An Open Letter to Congress: Do Not Cede to Fear An Open Letter to Congress: Do Not Cede to Fear
Refugees are not the enemy.
Nov 20, 2015 / Reza Aslan, Geraldine Brooks, Teju Cole, Aleksandar Hemon, Marlon James, Phil Klay, Laila Lalami, Yiyun Li, Tom Lutz, Maaza Mengiste, Gary Shteyngart, and Jane Smiley

The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks
We are witnessing one of the most morally calamitous reactions to a refugee crisis in the country’s history.
Nov 20, 2015 / Sasha Abramsky

How Prison Reform Could Turn the Prison-Industrial Complex Into the Treatment-Industrial Complex How Prison Reform Could Turn the Prison-Industrial Complex Into the Treatment-Industrial Complex
The private prison industry is exploiting prison reform efforts by shifting from brick-and-mortar carceral facilities to outsourced social services.
Nov 20, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Congress Assures the World It’s Afraid of Brown Migrants, Once Again Congress Assures the World It’s Afraid of Brown Migrants, Once Again
Stiffening entry requirements for Syrian and Iraqi refugees is dangerous and mean, but that’s how we’ve met non-European migrants for a long time now.
Nov 19, 2015 / Julianne Hing

‘Bringing History to Bear’ ‘Bringing History to Bear’
Celebrating 150 years of dialogue and dissent.
Nov 19, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

How the Rich Look Down on Migration How the Rich Look Down on Migration
David Brooks’s $120,000 trip around the world shows us that everything looks beautiful from a distance.
Nov 19, 2015 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Using Art to Expose What Government Hides: An Interview With Laurie Anderson Using Art to Expose What Government Hides: An Interview With Laurie Anderson
Anderson’s conceptual art transported a former Guantánamo detainee, now banned from the US, to New York City.
Nov 19, 2015 / Q&A / Laura Flanders

Merkel’s Refugee Policy Is Political Calculus, Not Humanitarian Generosity Merkel’s Refugee Policy Is Political Calculus, Not Humanitarian Generosity
It’s high time to wipe the rose tint from the media’s lens on Germany as the shining bastion of Willkommenskultur.
Nov 19, 2015 / Natasha Lennard and Lukas Hermsmeier

Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire
The House speaker’s call for a ‘‘pause’’ in refugee resettlement only encourages hardliners who want to shutdown the government over the issue.
Nov 18, 2015 / Joan Walsh

LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now? LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now?
Race is back where it needs to be at the front and center of our discussions about culture, equality, and freedom in the US—but are we talking about it in the right way?
Nov 17, 2015 / The Nation