Is the US Abetting World Order or Disorder? Is the US Abetting World Order or Disorder?
How the “sulking superpower” is resisting peaceful outcomes from Syria to Ukraine.
Oct 21, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

If You Thought the Reproductive-Health Crisis in Texas Couldn’t Get Worse, Well… If You Thought the Reproductive-Health Crisis in Texas Couldn’t Get Worse, Well…
The state’s move to cut Planned Parenthood off Medicaid funding will further limit poor women’s access to care.
Oct 20, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country These Irish Antiwar Protesters Are Sick of Having the US Military in Their Country
The influx of Syrian refugees into Europe has reinvigorated Ireland’s debate on its involvement with the war on terror.
Oct 20, 2015 / Danielle Ryan

Never Mind the Civilian Casualties Never Mind the Civilian Casualties
Drones don’t!
Oct 20, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

I Went to Prison at Age 60. Here’s What I Learned. I Went to Prison at Age 60. Here’s What I Learned.
Don’t overlook the needs of the elderly in criminal-justice reform.
Oct 19, 2015 / Evie Litwok

October 17, 1931: Al Capone Is Convicted of Income Tax Evasion and Sent to Federal Prison October 17, 1931: Al Capone Is Convicted of Income Tax Evasion and Sent to Federal Prison
“Only one thing keeps Al from being supreme: he has to split the millions in profits with his compatriots, the politicians.”
Oct 17, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse. Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse.
If someone had poisoned New York’s water supply and killed 9,000 people, it would have been the most litigated public health disaster of all time. But when it happened in Haiti? No...
Oct 16, 2015 / Fran Quigley

Obama Just Signed a Blank Check for Endless War in Afghanistan Obama Just Signed a Blank Check for Endless War in Afghanistan
And one congresswoman is not having it.
Oct 15, 2015 / John Nichols

How Could Tamir Rice’s Death Be ‘Reasonable’? How Could Tamir Rice’s Death Be ‘Reasonable’?
Imaginative legal reasoning deals a real blow.
Oct 15, 2015 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Letters From the November 2, 2015, Issue Letters From the November 2, 2015, Issue
Judging the Court… Hitchens’s exceptionalism… Don’t burn Bernie!… Sinatra always had a cold…
Oct 15, 2015 / Our Readers and Greg Grandin