Now That the Justice Department Has Struck Out, It’s Time to Put Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame Now That the Justice Department Has Struck Out, It’s Time to Put Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame
The Justice Department’s quest to prosecute Barry Bonds is a shameful stain in their history. Now put him in the Hall of Fame.
Apr 23, 2015 / Dave Zirin

States Are Required to Educate Students Behind Bars. Here’s What Really Happens. States Are Required to Educate Students Behind Bars. Here’s What Really Happens.
Since age 12, Cadeem Gibbs has struggled to reconcile his desire to learn with his incarceration.
Apr 22, 2015 / Feature / Molly Knefel

Chicago Is About to Offer the Nation’s First Reparations Program for Victims of Police Violence Chicago Is About to Offer the Nation’s First Reparations Program for Victims of Police Violence
Local advocates are poised to win a campaign for justice that’s broader than individual civil suits can offer.
Apr 22, 2015 / Zach Stafford

How the ‘Desaparecidos’ of Ayotzinapa Have Sparked a US-Mexican Solidarity Movement How the ‘Desaparecidos’ of Ayotzinapa Have Sparked a US-Mexican Solidarity Movement
Caravana43 will visit more than 40 US cities this spring to spread the call for justice—and against US funding of the drug war.
Apr 21, 2015 / Roberto Lovato

SCOTUS Will Likely Legalize Same-Sex Marriage—but the Fight Over Marriage Is Not Done Yet SCOTUS Will Likely Legalize Same-Sex Marriage—but the Fight Over Marriage Is Not Done Yet
A win for LGBT advocates would be historic, but uncertainty over religious exemptions and the status of domestic partnerships and civil unions remains.
Apr 21, 2015 / Nan D. Hunter

Cops Only Do Bad Things When They’re Being Filmed Cops Only Do Bad Things When They’re Being Filmed
And other lies your local Officer Friendly tells you.
Apr 14, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

April 13, 1919: Eugene V. Debs Is Sent to Prison April 13, 1919: Eugene V. Debs Is Sent to Prison
“How can you punish a man with so compelling a consciousness of the right?”
Apr 13, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

The Video of the Walter Scott Killing Has Silenced Fox Critics The Video of the Walter Scott Killing Has Silenced Fox Critics
The only problem with the video is that it was taken by pure chance.
Apr 10, 2015 / Leslie Savan

So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg
Thabo Sefolosha encountered the NYPD at a club. A fellow NBA player had been stabbed. This interaction ended with Sefolosha being done for the season.
Apr 10, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality. Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality.
When people ask me, “Who will protect us,” I want to say: Who protects you now?
Apr 9, 2015 / Mychal Denzel Smith