Who Profits From Plans to Lock Up More Immigrant Families? Private Prison Companies Who Profits From Plans to Lock Up More Immigrant Families? Private Prison Companies
Human rights groups are alarmed by the administration’s proposal to dramatically expand family detention for undocumented women and children.
Sep 30, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Questions About California’s New Campus Rape Law Questions About California’s New Campus Rape Law
Taken literally, California’s new law mandating an affirmative consent standard on college campuses could redefine a lot of consensual sex as rape. Should we be worried?
Sep 29, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

The Blotch on Eric Holder’s Record: Wall Street Accountability The Blotch on Eric Holder’s Record: Wall Street Accountability
The Attorney General has cemented a doctrine of “too big to jail” at the Justice Department.
Sep 25, 2014 / George Zornick

Why White People’s Awareness of Racism Isn’t Enough Why White People’s Awareness of Racism Isn’t Enough
A majority of Americans believe the criminal justice system is racially biased, but it takes more than an acknowledgement to dismantle the system.
Sep 24, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Why Prisons Thrive Even When Budgets Shrink Why Prisons Thrive Even When Budgets Shrink
Who says government can’t do anything?
Sep 24, 2014 / Mike Konczal and Bryce Covert

Washington Snubs Bolivia on Drug Policy Reform, Again Washington Snubs Bolivia on Drug Policy Reform, Again
Bolivia has found a way to cut coca production without sacrificing the leaf's cultural importance or cracking down on small growers. But Washington's not having it.
Sep 22, 2014 / Zoe Pearson, Thomas Grisaffi, and Foreign Policy In Focus
What Happened to Janay Palmer in the Elevator What Happened to Janay Palmer in the Elevator
Absent video, how could Goodell Be expected for certain to tell? So he figured that, not feeling well From the flu, say, this mademoiselle Might have suffered a brief fainting spell, From which slowly but surely she fell. And then her husband dragged her out of the elevator, dumped her on the floor, and walked away.
Sep 17, 2014 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Women of Color and the Hidden Trauma of Police Brutality Women of Color and the Hidden Trauma of Police Brutality
Calling out discrimination can be a slippery thing, but the shame, humiliation and powerlessness we feel because of overly aggressive policing is real.
Sep 16, 2014 / Marie Myung-Ok Lee

Whatever Happened to Gun Control? Whatever Happened to Gun Control?
The Newtown tragedy was supposed to change everything about gun politics. Why it didn’t—and how reformers might still win.
Sep 16, 2014 / George Zornick

Kingdom of Slaves in the Persian Gulf Kingdom of Slaves in the Persian Gulf
In the smallest Gulf states, nearly 90 percent of residents are immigrant laborers. Many face unspeakable abuse.
Sep 16, 2014 / Sam Badger, Giorgio Cafiero, and Foreign Policy In Focus