
What Happens When Mexico’s Drug Kingpin Falls?

What Happens When Mexico’s Drug Kingpin Falls? What Happens When Mexico’s Drug Kingpin Falls?

US officials claim the capture of Sinaloa cartel leader Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán is a major drug war victory. They're wrong.

Mar 7, 2014 / Laura Carlsen and Foreign Policy In Focus

Subway Arrests Are Up 300 Percent Under de Blasio and Bratton. Why?

Subway Arrests Are Up 300 Percent Under de Blasio and Bratton. Why? Subway Arrests Are Up 300 Percent Under de Blasio and Bratton. Why?

Overall stops and arrests are down, but arrests of panhandlers and peddlers are way up.

Mar 6, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

DOJ Drops Most of the Charges Against a Journalist Indicted for Sharing a Link

DOJ Drops Most of the Charges Against a Journalist Indicted for Sharing a Link DOJ Drops Most of the Charges Against a Journalist Indicted for Sharing a Link

Barrett Brown’s attorneys warned that the charges against their client had chilling implications for free speech rights.

Mar 5, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Let’s Call Sex Work What It Is: Work

Let’s Call Sex Work What It Is: Work Let’s Call Sex Work What It Is: Work

Villainizing sex workers won’t improve their lives. Basic labor rights will.

Mar 5, 2014 / Melissa Gira Grant

Rand Paul and Eric Holder Might Actually Get Something Important Done in Washington by Working Together

Rand Paul and Eric Holder Might Actually Get Something Important Done in Washington by Working Together Rand Paul and Eric Holder Might Actually Get Something Important Done in Washington by Working Together

The unlikely allies are leading a push to reform sentencing guidelines for nonviolent drug offenders.

Mar 4, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Abandoned and Imprisoned for Being Gay in Cameroon

Abandoned and Imprisoned for Being Gay in Cameroon Abandoned and Imprisoned for Being Gay in Cameroon

Anti-gay laws in Nigeria and Uganda provoke outrage in the US—but Cameroon has quietly been locking up LGBT people for years with little international notice.

Mar 4, 2014 / Andy Kopsa

The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers

The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers The Next Battleground in the War on Whistleblowers

Robert MacLean, a US Air Marshal fired for allegedly leaking sensitive government documents, is just trying to get his job back. For the rest of us, his case has much more profound...

Mar 4, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

Marissa Alexander Now Faces 60 Years in Prison for Firing a Warning Shot in Self Defense

Marissa Alexander Now Faces 60 Years in Prison for Firing a Warning Shot in Self Defense Marissa Alexander Now Faces 60 Years in Prison for Firing a Warning Shot in Self Defense

The new sentence is three times as long as the one she received in 2012.

Mar 3, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

US Border Agents Intentionally Stepped in Front of Moving Vehicles to Justify Shooting at Them

US Border Agents Intentionally Stepped in Front of Moving Vehicles to Justify Shooting at Them US Border Agents Intentionally Stepped in Front of Moving Vehicles to Justify Shooting at Them

An internal review of the US Border Patrol raises serious questions about the agency’s use-of-force policy.

Feb 28, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Colorado’s Federal Supermax Prison Is Force-Feeding Inmates on Hunger Strike

Colorado’s Federal Supermax Prison Is Force-Feeding Inmates on Hunger Strike Colorado’s Federal Supermax Prison Is Force-Feeding Inmates on Hunger Strike

Solitary Watch reports that eight to nine prisoners are taking part in the strike, held at the federal government’s highest-security prison.

Feb 27, 2014 / Steven Hsieh
