
Reducing Racial Inequality in Our Justice System

Reducing Racial Inequality in Our Justice System Reducing Racial Inequality in Our Justice System

President Obama should follow Attorney General Eric Holder’s lead and commute the sentences of low-level drug offenders.

Aug 22, 2013 / Rep. Steve Cohen (Dem., TN)

DOJ to Texas: Voter Suppression Will Not Stand

DOJ to Texas: Voter Suppression Will Not Stand DOJ to Texas: Voter Suppression Will Not Stand

The Department of Justice is right to challenge the state’s discriminatory voter ID law. 

Aug 22, 2013 / Ari Berman

Is Detroit’s Bankruptcy Filing Unconstitutional?

Is Detroit’s Bankruptcy Filing Unconstitutional? Is Detroit’s Bankruptcy Filing Unconstitutional?

Bond holders are at odds with municipal workers over who will bear the brunt of the city’s bankruptcy.

Aug 21, 2013 / Chris Hayes

Will There Be Justice for NYPD Victim Ramarley Graham?

Will There Be Justice for NYPD Victim Ramarley Graham? Will There Be Justice for NYPD Victim Ramarley Graham?

How the shooting death of the unarmed teenager sparked new activism against police violence in the Bronx.

Aug 21, 2013 / Lucy McKeon

In Chelsea Manning, We Finally Have a Scapegoat for the Iraq War

In Chelsea Manning, We Finally Have a Scapegoat for the Iraq War In Chelsea Manning, We Finally Have a Scapegoat for the Iraq War

A target that Republicans and Democrats can unite in vindictive harmony against.

Aug 21, 2013 / Chase Madar

Ending Stop-and-Frisk for Good

Ending Stop-and-Frisk for Good Ending Stop-and-Frisk for Good

How the New York City Council’s Community Safety Act stands the best chance of curtailing the NYPD’s most destructive racial profiling practices.

Aug 21, 2013 / Ross Tuttle and Stephen Maing

Corruption, Not Migrants, Is Russia’s Problem

Corruption, Not Migrants, Is Russia’s Problem Corruption, Not Migrants, Is Russia’s Problem

A recent campaign against illegal migrants in Russia reveals the corruption at the heart of the issue.

Aug 20, 2013 / Sean Guillory

It Really Should Not Matter That Ted Cruz Is Canadian

It Really Should Not Matter That Ted Cruz Is Canadian It Really Should Not Matter That Ted Cruz Is Canadian

Amend the Constitution so that all citizens can seek the presidency.

Aug 20, 2013 / John Nichols

Chris Christie Backs Down on Gun Control

Chris Christie Backs Down on Gun Control Chris Christie Backs Down on Gun Control

With vetoes, New Jersey’s governor indicates that he is looking out for himself in the 2016 primaries instead of his constituents. 

Aug 19, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Paying It Forward, One State at a Time

Paying It Forward, One State at a Time Paying It Forward, One State at a Time

States around the country are eager to adopt Oregon’s “Pay It Forward” tuition plan, but organizers warn that it may not be the best fit for every university syst...

Aug 16, 2013 / StudentNation / Rebecca Nathanson and StudentNation
