
The Dictionary of the Global War on You

The Dictionary of the Global War on You The Dictionary of the Global War on You

Definitions for a new age

Jul 2, 2013 / Tom Engelhardt

America’s New Cold War: Why the Allies Are Siding With Snowden

America’s New Cold War: Why the Allies Are Siding With Snowden America’s New Cold War: Why the Allies Are Siding With Snowden

Our government is treating Snowden as the most dangerous global outlaw simply because the information he released does not make us look good.

Jul 2, 2013 / Robert Scheer

Triumph of the Homosexual Agenda

Triumph of the Homosexual Agenda Triumph of the Homosexual Agenda

Now that DOMA is history, animals and kitchen appliances could be traditional marriage's biggest threats.

Jul 2, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

After DOMA, Agency Rules Still a Hurdle

After DOMA, Agency Rules Still a Hurdle After DOMA, Agency Rules Still a Hurdle

Two federal statutes may keep benefits from some elderly couples and and the spouses of gay veterans.

Jul 1, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Meet Undocumented Immigrants Who Got Themselves Picked Up by ICE—On Purpose

Meet Undocumented Immigrants Who Got Themselves Picked Up by ICE—On Purpose Meet Undocumented Immigrants Who Got Themselves Picked Up by ICE—On Purpose

Why would an undocumented immigrant voluntarily walk into an Immigration and Customs Enforcement center and declare his or her status to the officers there?

Jul 1, 2013 / Press Room

WATCH: NYC Mayoral Forum

WATCH: NYC Mayoral Forum WATCH: NYC Mayoral Forum

Last week, eight candidates in New York City's upcoming mayoral election spoke on issues of policing and criminal justice at a forum co-sponsored by The Nation.

Jun 28, 2013 / Francis Reynolds

In Defense of Rachel Jeantel

In Defense of Rachel Jeantel In Defense of Rachel Jeantel

MSNBC's Chris Hayes takes Jeantel's haters to task for their "willful" misunderstanding of a young, black woman's vernacular. 

Jun 28, 2013 / Chris Hayes

An End to Stop-and-Frisk?

An End to Stop-and-Frisk? An End to Stop-and-Frisk?

There’s something wrong when the number of young black men stopped by police in New York City exceeds the number of young black men actually living in the city.

Jun 28, 2013 / Ryan Devereaux

Splenetic Justice: Justice Samuel Alito’s Role on the Roberts Court

Splenetic Justice: Justice Samuel Alito’s Role on the Roberts Court Splenetic Justice: Justice Samuel Alito’s Role on the Roberts Court

Eric on the amazing range of Cecile McLorin Salvant and Reed on why Samuel Alito is still an asshole.

Jun 28, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Outside the Texas Death Chamber

Outside the Texas Death Chamber Outside the Texas Death Chamber

As Kimberly McCarthy was put to death—the 500th Texas prisoner executed since 1982—protesters and crime victims alike came to bear witness.

Jun 27, 2013 / Alex Hannaford
