Ryan Devereaux: Just How Important Is New York’s Stop-and-Frisk Trial? Ryan Devereaux: Just How Important Is New York’s Stop-and-Frisk Trial?
For men of color in New York, getting stopped-and-frisked is a daily reality. Will the courts do anything to change it?
Apr 5, 2013 / Press Room

Will the Supreme Court Punt on Same-Sex Marriage? Will the Supreme Court Punt on Same-Sex Marriage?
Gay rights advocates were hoping that the Court would issue a broad ruling, but the justices seem most concerned with issues of standing.
Apr 3, 2013 / Nan D. Hunter

The Minutemen and the Mainstream Media The Minutemen and the Mainstream Media
A new book argues that the media failed to grasp the frightening extremism of the anti-immigrant border patrols of a few years ago—and wraps it in a thrilling true-crime tale...
Apr 3, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Rick Perlstein

Schumer Wants to Have His Cake and Eat It, Too Schumer Wants to Have His Cake and Eat It, Too
The leading Democrat working to unveil a comprehensive immigration reform bill is getting his campaign money from the private detention industry.
Apr 3, 2013 / Aura Bogado

The Pitfalls of Testing-Based Education The Pitfalls of Testing-Based Education
As 35 Atlanta educators are investigated for fudging standardized test scores, the bigger issue is the high-stakes testing that's taken over our education system.
Apr 2, 2013 / Chris Hayes

One Penis and One Vagina: A Sacred Bond One Penis and One Vagina: A Sacred Bond
Believe that marriage rests on love and compassion? That makes you a pervert.
Apr 2, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow
This Week: Deliberating on DOMA and Prop 8 This Week: Deliberating on DOMA and Prop 8
A watershed moment for marriage equality—and Tony Kushner’s moving essay nearly two decades ago: Introducing The Nation Archive!
Mar 30, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Coming Out of the Shadows in Union Square Coming Out of the Shadows in Union Square
Undocumented youth are taking to public and online spaces to represent themselves—in some cases, without the support of important allies.
Mar 29, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Why Today’s Argument Could Decide the Gay Marriage Debate Why Today’s Argument Could Decide the Gay Marriage Debate
Hollingsworth v. Perry has a chance of being dismissed without a ruling, leaving a better case to serve as the vehicle for the court's opinion on marriage.
Mar 29, 2013 / Nan D. Hunter

‘We Were Handcuffing Kids For No Reason’: Stop-And-Frisk Goes On Trial ‘We Were Handcuffing Kids For No Reason’: Stop-And-Frisk Goes On Trial
At the same time that Brooklyn residents poured into the streets over the killing of Kimani Gray, NYPD officers took the stand to describe the department's racist tactics.
Mar 28, 2013 / Ryan Devereaux