
Arizona’s Private Prisons: A Bad Bargain

Arizona’s Private Prisons: A Bad Bargain Arizona’s Private Prisons: A Bad Bargain

State taxpayers have thrown away millions on shoddy facilities--and legislators think the solution is to bar them from oversight.

Apr 4, 2012 / Sasha Abramsky

Data Mining You Data Mining You

How the intelligence community is creating a new American world.

Apr 3, 2012 / Tom Engelhardt

The Supreme Court and the Democrats: Five Hypocrites and One Bad Plan The Supreme Court and the Democrats: Five Hypocrites and One Bad Plan

The Supreme Court is so full of it, but the sad truth is that President Obama and the Democrats brought this potential judicial disaster upon themselves.

Mar 29, 2012 / Robert Scheer

At Capitol Hill Hearing on Trayvon, Strong Words on Gun Control At Capitol Hill Hearing on Trayvon, Strong Words on Gun Control

How did the NRA help George Zimmerman get and keep a gun?

Mar 28, 2012 / George Zornick

Trayvon Martin: Guilty of Being Black

Trayvon Martin: Guilty of Being Black Trayvon Martin: Guilty of Being Black

As long as black men are assumed to be armed and dangerous, Stand Your Ground laws will produce more Trayvon Martins.

Mar 28, 2012 / The Editors

Texas Has to Chill With War on Voting Rights Act Texas Has to Chill With War on Voting Rights Act

In Texas, protectors of voting rights are concerned about the "chill effect" when it comes to voter ID law.

Mar 28, 2012 / Brentin Mock

Supreme Court Wrangling Aside, We Still Need ‘Medicare for All’ Supreme Court Wrangling Aside, We Still Need ‘Medicare for All’

What if the justices scrap healthcare reform as the Obama administration imagines it? What if they don't? Nurses say the healthcare crisis will still demand real reform.

Mar 27, 2012 / John Nichols

Are Voter ID Laws the New Jim Crow? Are Voter ID Laws the New Jim Crow?

Photo voter ID laws have serious potential to suppress voter turnout for millions, mainly people of color, low-income and elderly citizens, and college students.

Mar 27, 2012 / Brentin Mock

How ALEC Is Creating Florida-Style Messes in Other States How ALEC Is Creating Florida-Style Messes in Other States

Another shooting of another unarmed African-American youth in another state has provoked more concerns about ALEC's model legislation.

Mar 26, 2012 / John Nichols

Exposed: The Corporations Behind the Law That May Let Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free

Exposed: The Corporations Behind the Law That May Let Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free Exposed: The Corporations Behind the Law That May Let Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free

Here's what we know about the groups that help fund ALEC, the organization that drafted the law that keeps Trayvon Martin’s killer free.

Mar 23, 2012 / Suzanne Merkelson
