Melissa Harris-Perry: Why Was Penn State’s Abuse Scandal Covered Up? Melissa Harris-Perry: Why Was Penn State’s Abuse Scandal Covered Up?
Institutions like Penn State need to protect the communities that they are a part of.
Nov 10, 2011 / The Nation

California Refuses to Accept Obama’s Banking Sellout California Refuses to Accept Obama’s Banking Sellout
There is no three-strikes law for crooked bankers, who usually get off with a fine and a promise not to do it again, and again and again.
Nov 10, 2011 / Robert Scheer

Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street
As Seattle police chief in 1999, my disastrous response to the WTO protests should have been a cautionary tale. Yet our police forces have only become more militarized.
Nov 9, 2011 / Norm Stamper

Will Herman Cain’s Fourth Accuser Wake Voters Up to the Reality of Sexual Harassment? Will Herman Cain’s Fourth Accuser Wake Voters Up to the Reality of Sexual Harassment?
Even if voters come to believe that the allegations against Cain are true, will they care?
Nov 7, 2011 / Emily Douglas
Will Texas Kill Hank Skinner Despite Untested DNA Evidence? Will Texas Kill Hank Skinner Despite Untested DNA Evidence?
Hank Skinner was scheduled to die on November 9, but his execution was halted by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Will the state finally agree to test the evidence in his case?
Nov 4, 2011 / Jordan Smith
Smiling Through the Apocalypse Smiling Through the Apocalypse
Alterman reviews the Beach Boys and Reed pokes holes in media ethics.
Nov 4, 2011 / Eric Alterman

Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi? Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi?
As the state votes on a personhood amendment defending the ‘sanctity of life,’ leadership is measured in executions and assassinations.
Nov 3, 2011 / Patricia J. Williams
Too Big to Jail Too Big to Jail
Can we all agree that a $1 billion swindle represents a lot of money? So why isn't former Citigroup Chairman Robert Rubin breaking a sweat?
Nov 3, 2011 / Robert Scheer

Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech? Regulating CPCs: Consumer Protection or Affront to Free Speech?
Baltimore and New York are requiring crisis pregnancy centers to disclose basic information about their services. But some judges say these ordinances violate the First Amendment.
Oct 31, 2011 / Kate Murphy
Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill
Twenty years after Anita Hill boldly brought workplace sexual harassment to the American public consciousness, The Nation celebrates the progress we have made in the two decades si...
Oct 26, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas