Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed? Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed?
Under Wisconsin state law, it is a felony to touch a judge, making it quite possible that David Prosser will be forced to resign.
Jun 28, 2011 / Press Room
For Undocumented Immigrants, Activism Can Invite a Deportation Threat For Undocumented Immigrants, Activism Can Invite a Deportation Threat
When undocumented immigrants like Jose Antonio Vargas "come out," it changes the debate over immigration—but at considerable personal risk.
Jun 28, 2011 / Courtney E. Martin
Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed? Should Wisconsin’s Justice Prosser Be Removed?
Under Wisconsin state law, it is a felony to touch a judge, making it quite possible that David Prosser will be forced to resign.
Jun 28, 2011 / The Ed Show
Crackdown in Cairo Crackdown in Cairo
Family members of Egyptians killed during the revolution are protesting as a crucial trial keeps gettting postponed by a judge with ties to Mubarak.
Jun 28, 2011 / Feature / Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Policing Fitzwalkerstan: Top Cop Investigates Alleged Assault of High-Court Justice by Ally of Wisconsin’s Governor Policing Fitzwalkerstan: Top Cop Investigates Alleged Assault of High-Court Justice by Ally of Wisconsin’s Governor
A sheriff who has stood up to Governor Walker and defended the rule of law is called in to investigate allegations that a Walker ally attacks a state supreme court justice.
Jun 28, 2011 / John Nichols
Supreme Court Removes Another Barrier to Corporate Ownership of Elections Supreme Court Removes Another Barrier to Corporate Ownership of Elections
With a decision barring matching funds to counter attack ads from privately funded candidates, the court has undermined one of the last tools for fair elections.
Jun 27, 2011 / John Nichols
Fitzwalkerstan ‘Justice’: Wisconsin Governor Walker’s Judicial Fixer Accused of Assaulting Dissenting Jurist Fitzwalkerstan ‘Justice’: Wisconsin Governor Walker’s Judicial Fixer Accused of Assaulting Dissenting Jurist
As Justice David Prosser was battling on the state Supreme Court on behalf of Governor Walker's anti-labor agenda, he reportedly attacked a justice who disagreed with him. This is ...
Jun 25, 2011 / John Nichols
No More Excuses, Rape is Rape! No More Excuses, Rape is Rape!
In essence, the FBI UCR is playing a numbers game where they are crunching rape statistics to shape their reports into what they want them to be, rather than what they actually are...
Jun 23, 2011 / Anna Lekas Miller

The Forty-Year Quagmire: An Exit Strategy for the War on Drugs The Forty-Year Quagmire: An Exit Strategy for the War on Drugs
After four decades of a spectacularly unsuccessful and costly global war on drugs, it's time to say enough is enough.
Jun 17, 2011 / Ethan Nadelmann
End the ‘War on Drugs’ End the ‘War on Drugs’
The 40th anniversary of President Nixon's declaration of the War on Drugs comes amid growing recognition that the policy, and all that it wrought, is a complete disaster.
Jun 16, 2011 / Peter Rothberg