
New York City to Disabled: Take a Hike New York City to Disabled: Take a Hike

The city's Taxi and Limousine Commission plans to approve even more inaccessible taxis.

Jan 21, 2011 / Jesse Lemisch

Stealing the Constitution

Stealing the Constitution Stealing the Constitution

Inside the right's campaign to hijack our country's founding text—and how to fight back.

Jan 20, 2011 / Feature / Garrett Epps

Guantánamos Here at Home

Guantánamos Here at Home Guantánamos Here at Home

Bradley Manning is not the only person in the US held in pretrial solitary confinement. For many facing terrorism charges, it has become standard procedure.

Jan 20, 2011 / Sally Eberhardt and Jeanne Theoharis

Undoing the ‘Citizens United’ Damage

Undoing the ‘Citizens United’ Damage Undoing the ‘Citizens United’ Damage

John Roberts and his allies overreached so brazenly that they have created an opening for genuine reform.

Jan 19, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Extremist Killing is as American as Apple Pie Extremist Killing is as American as Apple Pie

Gunned down in Tucson, shot to death at the Pentagon and blown away at the Holocaust Museum, as well as in Wichita, Knoxville, Pittsburgh, Brockton and Okaloosa County, F...

Jan 18, 2011 / Stephan Salisbury

Obama’s DOJ Continues Battle Against Same-Sex Marriage Obama’s DOJ Continues Battle Against Same-Sex Marriage

Yes, it’s 2011, but Obama’s Department of Justice is still fighting to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law that defines marriage as being the legal union o...

Jan 14, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein

Antichoice at the End of Life Antichoice at the End of Life

Just after Christmas, the "death panel" meme was resurrected by healthcare opponents who worked the same network that has been fighting legal abortion since the 1970s.

Jan 13, 2011 / Ann Neumann

Tragedy in Arizona

Tragedy in Arizona Tragedy in Arizona

The shootings underscore that a strong social compact is the only real route to safety.

Jan 13, 2011 / The Editors

Debating ‘Citizens United’

Debating ‘Citizens United’ Debating ‘Citizens United’

Was the Supreme Court's infamous decision a desecration, or only what the Constitution requires? A First Amendment scholar and civil liberties advocate debate.

Jan 13, 2011 / Feature / Floyd Abrams and Burt Neuborne

Could a Serbian Heart Have Saved Richard Holbrooke?

Could a Serbian Heart Have Saved Richard Holbrooke? Could a Serbian Heart Have Saved Richard Holbrooke?

The diplomat was spared the annoyance of seeing one of his best-known political creations accused of supervising the killing of captives in order to slice out their organs for tran...

Jan 13, 2011 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
