
The Torture Memos and Historical Amnesia The Torture Memos and Historical Amnesia

Historical amnesia is a dangerous phenomenon, not only because it undermines moral and intellectual integrity but also because it lays the groundwork for crimes that still lie ahea...

May 19, 2009 / Feature / Noam Chomsky

The Fabrications of Jay S. Bybee The Fabrications of Jay S. Bybee

The author of the infamous memo has been invited to testify before a Senate committee. This is the beginning of the unraveling.

May 14, 2009 / Feature / Martin Garbus

GOP Torture Blame Game: Target Pelosi GOP Torture Blame Game: Target Pelosi

The Nation's John Nichols encourages Nancy Pelosi to call the bluff of her right wing critics by testifying under oath on torture.

May 12, 2009 / The Ed Show

Slide Show: Obama’s Supreme Choice Slide Show: Obama’s Supreme Choice

Who should the president choose to replace Justice Souter? Here are some images of the candidates on our wish list.

May 7, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation

Time for the Reckoning? Time for the Reckoning?

Momentum is growing for some form of official accountability on the Bush administration's practice of torture, surveillance and detentions without trial.

May 6, 2009 / David Cole

Following Souter Following Souter

David Cole, Lani Guinier, Dahlia Lithwick, Linda Hirshman and others think outside the box for the next Supreme Court nominee.

May 6, 2009 / The Nation

Boxing Days Boxing Days

Elena Kagan has the intellect, toughness and fair-mindedness to make a great Supreme Court justice.

May 6, 2009 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

David Broder: Eyes Wide Shut David Broder: Eyes Wide Shut

When it comes to prosecuting Bush-era crimes, the media's inside establishment would prefer to just keep on walking.

May 6, 2009 / Column / Eric Alterman

Why the New Torture Defense Is a Good Offense Why the New Torture Defense Is a Good Offense

The torture immunity lobby has a new argument--public support inoculates war criminals. With that mindset, we are likely to get these policies wrong again in the future.

May 5, 2009 / Ari Melber

Justice Souter’s Jurisprudence Justice Souter’s Jurisprudence

He has quietly and diligently mined the law to return history and humanity to the court. Obama would do well to name someone like him.

May 1, 2009 / Aziz Huq
