The Protect Alberto Gonzales Act of 2007 The Protect Alberto Gonzales Act of 2007
Congress bows to Bush and passes a law that allows blanket data-mining of all phone calls or e-mail by anyone, anywhere.
Aug 9, 2007 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Sacco & Vanzetti Today Sacco & Vanzetti Today
History sheds no new light on their guilt or innocence. But it does make clear that their trial and execution was an unjust and intolerable act of barbarism.
Aug 9, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Moshik Temkin
Data-Mining Our Liberties Data-Mining Our Liberties
Despite blistering criticism of warrantless surveillance, the Bush Administration rammed a law through Congress that authorizes spying on our calls and e-mails. How did they get aw...
Dangerous Privilege Dangerous Privilege
We need a law to define and limit the President's claim of executive privilege, and should set a process for Congress to overcome it.
Jul 26, 2007 / Aziz Huq
A Migrant Summit A Migrant Summit
Immigration reform may have crashed in Washington, but a very different discussion of the same issues continues below the border.
Jul 13, 2007 / Feature / Roberto Lovato
Mourning in America Mourning in America
As the Supreme Court rules public schools cannot take voluntary action to overcome racial inequality, what's surprising is the lack of outcry.
Jul 12, 2007 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Pardon Whom? Pardon Whom?
Dear George Bush: Don't stop with Scooter Libby. Why not go all the way and pardon everyone unfairly held behind bars?
Jul 12, 2007 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Racists & Robber Barons Racists & Robber Barons
Rather than build a unified culture in a diverse society, the conservative Gang of Five that now dominates the Supreme Court is polarizing the country.
Jul 12, 2007 / David Kirp
What We Owe the Working Poor What We Owe the Working Poor
The Supreme Court's recent decision to deny home-care workers the right to overtime pay is speeding a race to the bottom that will affect every working person.
Jul 9, 2007 / Feature / Annette Bernhardt
Independence Day for Libby Independence Day for Libby
Liberated from having to serve time for his crime, he shares a perch with Bush and Cheney, somewhere high above the law.
Jul 4, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer