Roberts’s Queer Reasoning on AIDS Roberts’s Queer Reasoning on AIDS
When John G. Roberts Jr. counseled President Ronald Reagan on AIDS policies, did he willfully perpetuate the myth that AIDS can be spread by casual contact?
Sep 26, 2005 / Feature / David W. Webber
The Roberts Converts The Roberts Converts
The political chess match between the White House and Senate Democrats over the future of the Supreme Court took on new complexity as three Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Commit...
Sep 23, 2005 / Bruce Shapiro
The FBI Fails (For Now) to Grab Subpoena Powers The FBI Fails (For Now) to Grab Subpoena Powers
The FBI--with apparent White House approval--continues to seek the authority to bypass the court system in pursuit of evidence against terror suspects.
Sep 22, 2005 / Feature / David Corn
Blackwater Down Blackwater Down
With military and law enforcement forces combing New Orleans in the wake of the storm, why did the federal government feel compelled to hire private security firms Blackwater USA a...
Sep 21, 2005 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill
Levee Town Levee Town
There are decades of memos from engineers and contractors setting forth budgets to build up the Gulf Coast's levees, but Bush wouldn't let them be.
Sep 15, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Alexander Cockburn
William Rehnquist William Rehnquist
William Rehnquist showed little regard for the social consequences that followed his unrelenting application of conservative legal theory.
Sep 8, 2005 / Bruce Shapiro
In Rehnquist’s Footsteps In Rehnquist’s Footsteps
The death of William Rehnquist, the nomination of John G. Roberts Jr. to replace him and the agony of New Orleans represent a sad symmetry of events.
Sep 6, 2005 / Bruce Shapiro
Living Like a Refugee Living Like a Refugee
Not since the days of the Dust Bowl has America seen such a massive migration of refugees. Who becomes one of this tribe is a matter of race and class.
Sep 3, 2005 / Feature / Michael Tisserand
Theocracy Lite Theocracy Lite
How can women be equal before Islamic law, according to which they are unequal?
Sep 1, 2005 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Spying on the Protesters Spying on the Protesters
It's déjà-vu all over again: National Guard units and federal, state and local law enforcement are spying on antiwar activists.
Sep 1, 2005 / John S. Friedman