Reason for Doubt Reason for Doubt
"Iwouldn't ask him to escort my daughter to her senior prom," explained one of the jurors who in mid-November acquitted Robert Durst of murdering his quarrelsome neighbor, Morr...
Nov 20, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Boston Marriage Boston Marriage
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision in favor of gay marriage may have set off a political earthquake, but as a matter of law it was a no-brainer.
Nov 20, 2003 / The Editors
A Warning for Miami A Warning for Miami
For information on the Viveiros case:
Nov 13, 2003 / Michael Blanding
The Last Disenfranchised Class The Last Disenfranchised Class
Nearly 5 million Americans can't vote because of felony convictions.
Nov 6, 2003 / Feature / Rebecca Perl
Pillage Is Forbidden Pillage Is Forbidden
Frequently Asked Questions
Nov 6, 2003 / Feature / The Nation

Bring Halliburton Home Bring Halliburton Home
Click here for more info on why Paul Bremer's "reforms" in Iraq have been illegal to begin with. Compiled by Aaron Maté.
Nov 6, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
A Killing Tradition A Killing Tradition
Minors like Malvo fare poorly in Virginia.
Oct 30, 2003 / Feature / Joan Jacobs Brumberg
Occupiers and the Law Occupiers and the Law
An explosive legal obstacle, currently ignored, lurks beneath the surface of the Iraq war debate--international law likely to ensnare and possibly crumple the American conquero...
Oct 30, 2003 / William Greider
Scapegoating Illegal Workers Won’t Seal the Borders Scapegoating Illegal Workers Won’t Seal the Borders
As long as firms are willing to hire them, immigrants will come.
Oct 28, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer