
Hijinks or Undercover Ops? Hijinks or Undercover Ops?

If four politically-motivated young men with left-wing (or Muslim), rather than right-wing ties, broke into the office of a senior Senate Homeland Security Committee member and gai...

Feb 2, 2010 / The Notion / Laura Flanders

Calling Out “Not True” Alito Calling Out “Not True” Alito

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee when he said he would not bring a political agenda to the high court, became the unexpected "sta...

Jan 30, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

AFL-CIO Letter Details Role In, Position On Citizens United Case AFL-CIO Letter Details Role In, Position On Citizens United Case

My January 24 column on the role of the AFL-CIO in the Citizens United v. FEC case highlighted the concerns of some unions regarding the federation's decision to file an amicus bri...

Jan 29, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

Tiller’s Killer Puts Abortion on Trial Tiller’s Killer Puts Abortion on Trial

Judge Warren Wilbert has ruled that Scott Roeder, confessed killer of Kansas abortion provider George Tiller, couldn't be considered for lesser crimes than first-degree murder. Tod...

Jan 29, 2010 / Feature / Sharon Lerner

America’s Secret Afghan Prisons America’s Secret Afghan Prisons

Villagers and human rights officials accuse the United States military of torturing suspects in hidden detention centers.

Jan 28, 2010 / Feature / Anand Gopal

Corpus Ex Machina Corpus Ex Machina

Citizens United raises the questions: why is speech the functional equivalent of money, and why are corporations considered persons?

Jan 28, 2010 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Death and Cover-Up at Guantánamo Death and Cover-Up at Guantánamo

Staying the hand of justice on torture has gained the Obama administration nothing from Republicans. It's time to investigate deaths at Guantánamo.

Jan 28, 2010 / Editorial / The Editors

Democracy Inc. Democracy Inc.

The Citizens United campaign finance decision makes it possible for the nation's most powerful economic interests to manipulate not just individual electoral contests but political...

Jan 28, 2010 / Editorial / The Editors

Unions Can’t Compete With Corporate Campaign Cash Unions Can’t Compete With Corporate Campaign Cash

Some union leaders think that the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Citizens United v. FEC -- which essentially takes the limits off campaign spending -- will give them the same ...

Jan 24, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

Teddy Roosevelt Was Right: Ban ALL Corporate Contributions Teddy Roosevelt Was Right: Ban ALL Corporate Contributions

What to do about the decision by U.S. Supreme Court to -- in the words of Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold -- "(ignore) important principles of judicial restraint and respect f...

Jan 21, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols
