
Ron Unz, Latinos, Liberals, and Scholarship Ron Unz, Latinos, Liberals, and Scholarship

I was not surprised by "HisPANIC: the Myth of Immigrant Crime," Ron Unz's article in The American Conservative showing that Latinos in the US have a crime rate no higher...

Feb 11, 2010 / Katha Pollitt

Trials and Terror Trials and Terror

Four Republicans continue to misrepresent the rights of the accused "underwear" bomber--despite having been briefed on those rights on Christmas Day.

Feb 9, 2010 / Countdown

Do Terrorists Deserve Due Process? Do Terrorists Deserve Due Process?

Hayes debates Scarborough over the constitutional rights of terrorists.

Feb 9, 2010 / MSNBC

The Bogus Crime Wave The Bogus Crime Wave

A host of politicians and pundits would have you believe that Hispanic immigrants are to blame for an uptick in urban crime. They're wrong.

Feb 4, 2010 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Antonin Scalia

Scalia v. The World: On Antonin Scalia Scalia v. The World: On Antonin Scalia

Who is the purest archetype of the conservative legal movement, Antonin Scalia or John Roberts?

Feb 4, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Michael O’Donnell

Working America’s Unwanted Jobs Working America’s Unwanted Jobs

Gabriel Thompson's book Working in the Shadows reveals what working like an immigrant in America is really like.

Feb 3, 2010 / MSNBC

Slide Show: Is 2010 the Year of Real Immigration Reform? Slide Show: Is 2010 the Year of Real Immigration Reform?


Feb 3, 2010 / The Nation

Free Speech for People Free Speech for People

My colleague and friend John Nichols' new post appropriately lauds Rep. Donna Edwards' proposed legislation to redress the damage done by the Supreme Court in its decision in the ...

Feb 2, 2010 / Peter Rothberg

Donna Edwards’ No Corporate Monopoly of Elections Amendment Donna Edwards’ No Corporate Monopoly of Elections Amendment

Maryland Congresswoman Donna Edwards turned to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis for guidance in framing the Constitutional amendment she proposed Tuesday as the right and neces...

Feb 2, 2010 / John Nichols

Transparency Can Curb Corporate Impact on Elections Transparency Can Curb Corporate Impact on Elections

In the face of a Supreme Court decision that eliminates crucial checks on corporate political spending nationwide, we must demand greater accountability and transparency around h...

Feb 2, 2010 / Public Advocate Bill de Blasio
