
For Prop 8 Trial, Supreme Court Banishes Cameras For Prop 8 Trial, Supreme Court Banishes Cameras

Had the Supreme Court not kicked video cameras out of the courtroom, the Prop 8 trial may have enabled Americans to see how a controversial court decision is born.

Jan 14, 2010 / Feature / Linda Hirshman

Protection for Haitian Refugees Protection for Haitian Refugees

Crises like the Haiti earthquake serve as reminders of why refugee treatment must be part of immigration reform.

Jan 14, 2010 / Nezua

Alex Sanchez Wins Bail Alex Sanchez Wins Bail

In a closed legal proceeding, Judge Manual Real grants bail to the Homies Unidos founder.

Jan 13, 2010 / Tom Hayden

Terror in Uganda Terror in Uganda

Uganda is a country where homosexuality is already illegal, where violent attacks are common and where rape is used to 'cure' people of their sexual orientation. Now, a shocking ne...

Jan 12, 2010 / Peter Rothberg

Immigrant Deaths Covered Up Immigrant Deaths Covered Up

Monday, January 11, marks eight years since the Bush administration transferred the first prisoners to the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay. Ever since, human right...

Jan 12, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Blackwater Injustice Blackwater Injustice

A federal judge has dismissed all charges against the five Blackwater operatives accused of gunning down fourteen innocent Iraqis in Baghdad's Nisour Square in 2007.

Jan 7, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

The Judge Gets Real, But Why? The Judge Gets Real, But Why?

The federal judge's order means that LA's top gang reduction officials will be subpoenaed to state what they know of Alex Sanchez.

Jan 7, 2010 / Feature / Tom Hayden

Victory for Alex Sanchez Appeal, But… Victory for Alex Sanchez Appeal, But…

The court decision gives the Alex Sanchez case a "new credibility as a blatant injustice."

Dec 28, 2009 / Feature / Tom Hayden

ICE Agents’ Ruse Operations ICE Agents’ Ruse Operations

ICE agents regularly impersonate civilians--OSHA inspectors, insurance agents, religious workers--in order to arrest longtime US residents who have no criminal history.

Dec 18, 2009 / Feature / Jacqueline Stevens

America’s Secret ICE Castles America’s Secret ICE Castles

Immigration agents are holding US residents in unlisted and unmarked subfield offices.

Dec 16, 2009 / Feature / Jacqueline Stevens
