Come Off It, Kayo! Come Off It, Kayo!
Throwing the book at people is nothing new, but in our post-9/11 world the screws are tightening. Take San Francisco, whose District Attorney is Terence "Kayo" Hallinan, a progre...
Jan 24, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Not Just Village People Not Just Village People
Once confined to the closet, gays are now making headway in mainstream society.
Dec 13, 2001 / Books & the Arts / George De Stefano
Dark Ages Ahead at the NLRB Dark Ages Ahead at the NLRB
Most Americans are probably unaware that "the Dark Ages were not all bad and the Enlightenment not all good." Or that "homosexuality [is] a sin worthy of death." Or that one of...
Aug 23, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
Eminem: Grammy’s Homecoming Queen? Eminem: Grammy’s Homecoming Queen?
So if you managed to endure CBS's three-plus hours of Grammy cov erage, if you survived the sparsely attended protests from GLAAD and NOW, host Jon Stewart's lame commentary, the ...
Jul 9, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Richard Kim
ACT UP Goes Global ACT UP Goes Global
An early US AIDS group employs direct action to oppose injustice everywhere.
Jun 21, 2001 / Feature / Richard Kim
Same-Sexers Under Siege Same-Sexers Under Siege
The right-wing crusade to roll back gay civil rights is gathering momentum.
Jun 14, 2001 / Feature / Doug Ireland
Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed Andrew Sullivan, Overexposed
Click here for readers' reactions to this article.
Jun 5, 2001 / Feature / Richard Kim
Straights Can Change, Too Straights Can Change, Too
The recent New York Times front-page headline "Scientists Say Gay Change Is Possible" left me somewhat bemused.
May 17, 2001 / Richard Kim
The French Act Up The French Act Up
The election this March of an openly gay Mayor of Paris--the Socialist Bertrand Delanoë--would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. That's one reason the American edit...
Mar 30, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Doug Ireland
Retour du Socialisme? Retour du Socialisme?
Paris Will Paris become the first large city in France (indeed, the first major city or national capital anywhere in the world) to elect an openly gay candidate as mayor--the S...
Mar 1, 2001 / Frédéric Martel