December 29, 1922: William Gaddis Is Born December 29, 1922: William Gaddis Is Born
“What [The Recognitions] lacks, like all claustrophobic works of art, is imagination.”
Dec 29, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Jonathan Franzen Withdraws Jonathan Franzen Withdraws
Why are the agonized liberals in Purity so skeptical of political conviction?
Oct 8, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Jon Baskin

October 3, 1925: Gore Vidal Is Born October 3, 1925: Gore Vidal Is Born
“In hindsight, I can see that our ending was implicit in our beginning.”
Oct 3, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Hear! Hear! George Scialabba Hear! Hear! George Scialabba
A gathering of luminaries and friends—including artist Joseph Ciardiello, with this drawing—celebrated the essayist and critic on the day of his retirement.
Sep 24, 2015 / Rick Perlstein

The Flow of Life The Flow of Life
Is Saul Bellow the central American novelist since Willa Cather and William Faulkner?
Sep 10, 2015 / Books & the Arts / David Mikics

September 2, 1973: J.R.R. Tolkien Dies September 2, 1973: J.R.R. Tolkien Dies
“One is puzzled to know why the author should have supposed he was writing for adults.… There is little in The Lord of the Rings over the head of a seven-year-old child.”
Sep 2, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

How a Harper Lee Novel Unfit to Print Was Turned Into Found Money How a Harper Lee Novel Unfit to Print Was Turned Into Found Money
The decision to publish was purely a marketing decision. It turned out to be a shrewd one.
Aug 18, 2015 / Richard Lingeman

July 31, 1965: J.K. Rowling is Born July 31, 1965: J.K. Rowling is Born
“As the rest of the wizarding world teeters on the brink of catastrophe, what Harry really wants to know is: Did Dumbledore love me or what?”
Jul 31, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Farewell to Citizen Doctorow Farewell to Citizen Doctorow
The novelist’s many essays in The Nation demonstrate his glittering style, eloquence, and firm moral vision.
Jul 23, 2015 / Richard Lingeman

June 30, 1936: Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone with the Wind’ Is Published June 30, 1936: Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone with the Wind’ Is Published
"Margaret Mitchell gives us our Civil War through Southern eyes exclusively, and no tolerant philosophy illumines the crimes of the invaders."
Jun 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner