
Google Hosts Fundraiser for Climate Denier James Inhofe

Google Hosts Fundraiser for Climate Denier James Inhofe Google Hosts Fundraiser for Climate Denier James Inhofe

As Google and other tech giants gain weight in Washington, the gap between values and political value seems to be widening.

Jul 12, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Six Months After Leaving Office, Most US Senators Already Land Corporate Boards or Lobby Gigs Six Months After Leaving Office, Most US Senators Already Land Corporate Boards or Lobby Gigs

The revolving door swings quickly for the US Senate: over half of the last retiring class have already joined a corporate board or taken a K Street–related job.

Jun 26, 2013 / Lee Fang

Not Just the NSA: Politicians Are Data Mining the American Electorate

Not Just the NSA: Politicians Are Data Mining the American Electorate Not Just the NSA: Politicians Are Data Mining the American Electorate

Data drive a money-and-media election complex that is rapidly turning American democracy into an American Dollarocracy, where election campaigns are long on technical savvy but sho...

Jun 12, 2013 / John Nichols

The Third Koch ‘Brother’ Hits North Carolina

The Third Koch ‘Brother’ Hits North Carolina The Third Koch ‘Brother’ Hits North Carolina

Art Pope and his cash are responsible for the state’s recent rise in repressive politics.

Jun 11, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

AT&T’s Deregulation Campaign

AT&T’s Deregulation Campaign AT&T’s Deregulation Campaign

As the company moves to Internet-based telephone service, it’s looking to shed regulatory obligations that benefit low-income Americans.

Jun 10, 2013 / Leticia Miranda

The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks [Updated on 5/24]

The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks [Updated on 5/24] The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks [Updated on 5/24]

Washington institutions esteemed for their independent scholarship don’t disclose donations from corporations and foreign governments.

May 22, 2013 / Feature / Ken Silverstein

Lobbyists Snag Top Staff Positions on Capitol Hill

Lobbyists Snag Top Staff Positions on Capitol Hill Lobbyists Snag Top Staff Positions on Capitol Hill

Lobbyists are winning top jobs in Congress and are poised to provide big legislative favors to their former employers. 

May 9, 2013 / Lee Fang

The Reverse Revolving Door: How Corporate Insiders Are Rewarded Upon Leaving Firms for Congress

The Reverse Revolving Door: How Corporate Insiders Are Rewarded Upon Leaving Firms for Congress The Reverse Revolving Door: How Corporate Insiders Are Rewarded Upon Leaving Firms for Congress

Disclosures reveal that corporations and lobbying firms award six-figure bonuses to staff who leave to take powerful positions on Capitol Hill.

May 4, 2013 / Lee Fang

How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank

How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank

Battalions of regulatory lawyers burrowed deep in the federal bureaucracy to foil reform.

Apr 30, 2013 / Feature / Gary Rivlin

On MoDo

On MoDo On MoDo

The New York Times columnist chastises President Obama for his failure to deal with other pols, ignoring the huge flaws of a system based on silent filibusters and fundra...

Apr 25, 2013 / Eric Alterman
