

Next to Nothing: The Economics and Aesthetics of Streaming Music Next to Nothing: The Economics and Aesthetics of Streaming Music

Apps like Spotify and Apple Music haven’t just changed the way we purchase music—they've changed the way we listen.

Aug 24, 2015 / David Hajdu

Iranian flag

Why Would ‘The New York Times’ Try to Torpedo the Iran Deal? Why Would ‘The New York Times’ Try to Torpedo the Iran Deal?

Today’s front-page piece masquerades as news analysis, while pushing a neoconservative agenda.

Aug 24, 2015 / James Carden

The Lives of Others

The Lives of Others The Lives of Others

We’ve built ourselves this crowd-sourced panopticon, and now we have to live in it.

Aug 21, 2015 / Michelle Goldberg

Pat Fitzgerald

Today’s Sports News Would Boggle the Mind of a 1965 Sportswriter Today’s Sports News Would Boggle the Mind of a 1965 Sportswriter

If a sportswriter from 50 years ago traveled to 2015, they would think the world had been turned on its head.

Aug 21, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Vidal Buckley debate

An Epic On-Air Debate 40 Years Ago Marked the Downfall of Television News An Epic On-Air Debate 40 Years Ago Marked the Downfall of Television News

The new documentary The Best of Enemies tells the story of the matchup that spawned the genre of “infotainment.”

Aug 19, 2015 / James Carden

Ukrainian flag

Is the US-Backed Kiev Regime Preparing an All-Out Military Assault on the Rebel Donbass Province? Is the US-Backed Kiev Regime Preparing an All-Out Military Assault on the Rebel Donbass Province?

If so, the risk grows of provoking a US–Russian war in Ukraine.

Aug 19, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

How Germany’s Surveillance Scandals Echo Our Own How Germany’s Surveillance Scandals Echo Our Own

We treat the Germans the same way we treat ourselves—like dogs.

Aug 14, 2015 / Norman Birnbaum

Ukrainian nationalism

How Ukraine’s New Memory Commissar Is Controlling the Nation’s Past How Ukraine’s New Memory Commissar Is Controlling the Nation’s Past

Volodymyr Viatrovych was the driving force behind new laws that restrict free speech and regulate how history is written.

Aug 13, 2015 / Jared McBride

Letters Icon

Letters From the August 31-September 7, 2015, Issue Letters From the August 31-September 7, 2015, Issue

Sanders Speaks Is The Nation so anxious to sell Bernie Sanders to its readers that it publishes John Nichols’s interview with him in its July 20/27 issue [“Bernie Sanders Speaks”]…

Aug 13, 2015 / Our Readers and Richard Kreitner

Roger Ailes, President of Fox News

What Roger Ailes Really Thinks of Donald Trump What Roger Ailes Really Thinks of Donald Trump

Fox News set Trump up to fail at the first GOP debate. So why is he still on top?

Aug 13, 2015 / Eric Alterman
