
What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 10/16/14?

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 10/16/14? What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 10/16/14?

What are interns reading for the week of 10/16/14?

Oct 20, 2014 / Books & the Arts / StudentNation

Just for Gaffes: Why the Political Press’s Obsession With Minutiae Is No Joke

Just for Gaffes: Why the Political Press’s Obsession With Minutiae Is No Joke Just for Gaffes: Why the Political Press’s Obsession With Minutiae Is No Joke

Eric on this week’s concerts and releases and Reed on how the gaffe-obsessed political press is doing a disservice to democracy.

Oct 20, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Why Hasn’t ‘Big Data’ Saved Democracy?

Why Hasn’t ‘Big Data’ Saved Democracy? Why Hasn’t ‘Big Data’ Saved Democracy?

Micah Sifry’s new book offers some answers, but misses important shifts in the power base of traditional progressive organizing.

Oct 17, 2014 / Marshall Ganz

Shep Smith Slams Fellow Foxers for Fanning Fear of Ebola

Shep Smith Slams Fellow Foxers for Fanning Fear of Ebola Shep Smith Slams Fellow Foxers for Fanning Fear of Ebola

Fox needs Shep’s anti-Fox narrative now more than ever.

Oct 16, 2014 / Leslie Savan

Are the Beltway Media Helping Mitch McConnell Stay in Power?

Are the Beltway Media Helping Mitch McConnell Stay in Power? Are the Beltway Media Helping Mitch McConnell Stay in Power?

After thirty years in the Senate, Mitch’s loss would make MSM Rolodexes obsolete.

Oct 15, 2014 / Leslie Savan

Grimes Beats McConnell in Kentucky Debate

Grimes Beats McConnell in Kentucky Debate Grimes Beats McConnell in Kentucky Debate

But mainstream media find it hard to admit. 

Oct 14, 2014 / Leslie Savan

Immaculate Criticism: The Beltway Hops Aboard Leon Panetta’s Book Tour

Immaculate Criticism: The Beltway Hops Aboard Leon Panetta’s Book Tour Immaculate Criticism: The Beltway Hops Aboard Leon Panetta’s Book Tour

Eric on The New Yorker Festival and Reed on the lazy Beltway boosterism of Leon Panetta's new book.

Oct 14, 2014 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

‘The New York Times’ Wants Gary Webb to Stay Dead

‘The New York Times’ Wants Gary Webb to Stay Dead ‘The New York Times’ Wants Gary Webb to Stay Dead

Many journalists went after Webb, destroying his reputation and driving him out of the profession and into a suicidal depression. Now they’re at it again.

Oct 10, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Greg Grandin

Scariest Ad of the Week

Scariest Ad of the Week Scariest Ad of the Week

Agree with this ad, or else.

Oct 9, 2014 / Leslie Savan

The Government War Against Reporter James Risen

The Government War Against Reporter James Risen The Government War Against Reporter James Risen

The vendetta against him and whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling reflects an antidemocratic goal: the uninformed consent of the governed.

Oct 8, 2014 / Feature / Norman Solomon and Marcy Wheeler
