
The ‘Despicable Karl Rove Playbook’ Targets Hillary Clinton

The ‘Despicable Karl Rove Playbook’ Targets Hillary Clinton The ‘Despicable Karl Rove Playbook’ Targets Hillary Clinton

Without fresh 2016 presidential candidates, Republicans will direct all their energies to tearing down Hillary Clinton.

May 20, 2014 / Press Room

Jill Abramson Was Right

Jill Abramson Was Right Jill Abramson Was Right

The former Times executive editor seems to have been pushed out for defending fundamental journalistic principles. 

May 15, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

Dialing with Dollars: How County Jails Profit From Immigrant Detainees

Dialing with Dollars: How County Jails Profit From Immigrant Detainees Dialing with Dollars: How County Jails Profit From Immigrant Detainees

County jails charge excessive rates for phone usage—a huge barrier for immigrant detainees fighting deportation.

May 15, 2014 / Leticia Miranda

Why We All Need to Act to Save the Internet

Why We All Need to Act to Save the Internet Why We All Need to Act to Save the Internet

After the FCC's vote to kill net neutrality, it's time to fight back. 

May 15, 2014 / NationAction

The Two Faces of Climate Change on the ‘Washington Post’ Op-Ed Page

The Two Faces of Climate Change on the ‘Washington Post’ Op-Ed Page The Two Faces of Climate Change on the ‘Washington Post’ Op-Ed Page

Eric with the latest reviews and Reed on the media and climate change. 

May 13, 2014 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

I Almost Blew Off Edward Snowden—and the Largest National Security Leak in a Generation

I Almost Blew Off Edward Snowden—and the Largest National Security Leak in a Generation I Almost Blew Off Edward Snowden—and the Largest National Security Leak in a Generation

The NSA leaker indisputably proved all that the US government had done to destroy the privacy of Americans and people around the world.

May 13, 2014 / Glenn Greenwald

The Downfall of the Latest Republican Folk Hero

The Downfall of the Latest Republican Folk Hero The Downfall of the Latest Republican Folk Hero

This cartoon hillbilly who hates the government seemed like such a promising new conservative icon. 

May 13, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

The Media Did Not Have Relations With ‘That Story’

The Media Did Not Have Relations With ‘That Story’ The Media Did Not Have Relations With ‘That Story’

Have the media grown up half as much as Monica Lewinsky?

May 12, 2014 / Leslie Savan

What Monica Lewinsky Gets Wrong About Tyler Clementi

What Monica Lewinsky Gets Wrong About Tyler Clementi What Monica Lewinsky Gets Wrong About Tyler Clementi

Her comparison of the Lewinsky-Clinton affair to the suicide of an unknown gay Rutgers freshman is gross and inaccurate.

May 9, 2014 / Richard Kim


Keep a Reporter Out of Jail Keep a Reporter Out of Jail

The United States government is insisting that New York Times reporter James Risen reveal a confidential source—or go to jail.

May 8, 2014 / NationAction
