
More Than 180 Arrested on Occupy Wall Street’s First Anniversary More Than 180 Arrested on Occupy Wall Street’s First Anniversary

According to the mainstream media, Occupy is dead. So why are the police taking so many into custody? 

Sep 18, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny

Why YouTube Is Wrong to Censor the Anti-Islam Video Why YouTube Is Wrong to Censor the Anti-Islam Video

The selective censorship of “Innocence of Muslims” in Libya and Egypt “reeks of paternalism.”

Sep 14, 2012 / Ari Melber

Interns’ Favorite Reads of the Week (9/13/12) Interns’ Favorite Reads of the Week (9/13/12)

Every week, Nation interns try to look beyond the echo chamber and choose one good article in their area of interest that they feel should receive more attention.

Sep 13, 2012 / StudentNation / The Nation

The Real Risks of Fake Outrage The Real Risks of Fake Outrage

A manufactured controversy aimed at Elizabeth Warren shows the damaging ways we exploit trivial kerfuffles and pass them off as political stories.

Sep 12, 2012 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Who’s Got the Nukes? Who’s Got the Nukes?

As Israel steps up its saber-rattling against Iran, the US press continues to ignore facts that would undermine Israel's “moral” position.

Sep 12, 2012 / William Greider

Jeremy Scahill: Why Won’t the Media Take Obama to Task for Targeted Assassinations? Jeremy Scahill: Why Won’t the Media Take Obama to Task for Targeted Assassinations?

Why didn't the media question the "parade of jingoism" surrounding Democrats' celebration of President Obama's foreign policy in Charlotte last week?

Sep 10, 2012 / Press Room

Obama Quotes Twitter, Hailing Clinton as ‘Secretary of Explaining Stuff’ Obama Quotes Twitter, Hailing Clinton as ‘Secretary of Explaining Stuff’

Twitter messages are bubbling up to the President.

Sep 10, 2012 / Ari Melber

Post ‘Fact-Checking’: Fecklessness Squared Post ‘Fact-Checking’: Fecklessness Squared

Eric on fact checks, and Reed on BS punditry. 

Sep 6, 2012 / Eric Alterman

The Washington Post’s Feckless ‘Fact-Check’ The Washington Post’s Feckless ‘Fact-Check’

Afflicted by the elite journalistic disease of “on-the-one-handism,” the MSM’s supposed arbiters of truth—like the Post’s Glenn Kessler—can't ma...

Sep 5, 2012 / Column / Eric Alterman

‘Post Truth Politics,’ Continued ‘Post Truth Politics,’ Continued

Eric on the living, the lying, and the Dead, and Reed on media bias. 

Aug 31, 2012 / Eric Alterman
