
I Know a Little I Know a Little

How Commentary and Israel's Six-Day War informed the neoconservative movement (or didn't).

Apr 1, 2011 / Eric Alterman

Deanna Zandt: Online Journalism’s Silver Lining Deanna Zandt: Online Journalism’s Silver Lining

While the press grapples with how to make Internet journalism profitable, social media is creating a more inclusive and democratic media.

Mar 31, 2011 / The Nation Video

Nation Conversations: Jay Rosen: Dissecting the American Media

Nation Conversations: Jay Rosen: Dissecting the American Media Nation Conversations: Jay Rosen: Dissecting the American Media

The Internet has revolutionized journalism: not only has it put the powers of production in the hands of the audience, but it has also drastically increased participation in a prev...

Mar 30, 2011 / The Nation

Are There No Standards for Punditry? Are There No Standards for Punditry?

Thanks to cable news, discredited experts and government officials are regularly reborn as trusted authorities.

Mar 29, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

‘If I Turn Traitor…’ ‘If I Turn Traitor…’

Eric Alterman reviews music and Reed Richardson parses the ethics of sports journalism.

Mar 25, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Happy Birthday, Rupert Murdoch!

Happy Birthday, Rupert Murdoch! Happy Birthday, Rupert Murdoch!

A man like Murdoch deserves to be shunned. That he is celebrated instead tells you almost all you need to know about the insanity that grips our benighted political culture.

Mar 24, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman

Journalism Under Siege at Northwestern

Journalism Under Siege at Northwestern Journalism Under Siege at Northwestern

The suspension of a star professor raises very disturbing question about the future of one of the country’s foremost journalism schools.

Mar 23, 2011 / Ari Berman

On Political Talk Shows, Liberals Can’t Finish Their— On Political Talk Shows, Liberals Can’t Finish Their—

Is there data proving that liberals get interrupted more on political television? And who's fault is that?

Mar 18, 2011 / Ari Melber

Brackets, Brackets, Everywhere Brackets, Brackets, Everywhere

Alter-reviews of Stoppard and music old and new, Reed on the Washington Post's decision to bracket their writers into right-leaning and left-leaning and reader mail.

Mar 17, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

My Monster, My Self: On Nicholas Carr and William Powers

My Monster, My Self: On Nicholas Carr and William Powers My Monster, My Self: On Nicholas Carr and William Powers

With our tiny screens and cellphones, we have become prosthetic gods, the whole world in our handhelds. Are we not also monsters?

Mar 16, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Gary Greenberg
