Science Fact or Science Fiction? Science Fact or Science Fiction?
Climate change is real, and its impact is potentially devastating to our way of life. So why do the news media have such a hard time telling the straight story?
Mar 27, 2006 / Feature / Bryan Farrell
Google’s Wi-Fi Privacy Ploy Google’s Wi-Fi Privacy Ploy
Google and other telecom giants are wooing cities with plans to create public Wi-Fi grids. But there's no such thing as a free digital lunch: The price we pay is a loss of online p...
Mar 24, 2006 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester
Bloggers Join Fray on Political Ads Bloggers Join Fray on Political Ads
As the House considers two bills to regulate political speech on the Internet, the liberal Daily Kos and conservative Red State blogs are bedfellows, supporting a flawed GOP-sponso...
Mar 15, 2006 / Feature / Celia Viggo Wexler
Lap Dogs of the Press Lap Dogs of the Press
During the run-up to the Iraq War, the nation's leading print and broadcast media could have saved lives if they questioned the Administration's pronouncements. Instead, they were ...
Mar 15, 2006 / Feature / Helen Thomas
Helping China’s Censors Helping China’s Censors
The Global Online Freedom Act should be the beginning of a conversation about what needs to be done to prevent US Internet and technology firms from contradicting American values.
Mar 9, 2006 / Rebecca MacKinnon
America’s Online Censors America’s Online Censors
Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Cisco Systems are under fire from Congress for helping China censor and prosecute political dissidents. But a proposed law to guide technology companie...
Feb 24, 2006 / Feature / Rebecca MacKinnon
Bloggers at the Gate Bloggers at the Gate
Jerome Armstrong and Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, a k a MyDD and Daily Kos, propose to revive the Democratic Party with a technology-driven "bloodless coup."
Feb 24, 2006 / Feature / Ari Melber
The Olympics We Missed The Olympics We Missed
The Winter Olympics are to NBC what icebergs were to the Titanic. Jingoistic, condescending coverage missed the real drama.
Feb 22, 2006 / Column / Dave Zirin
In Defense of Free Thought In Defense of Free Thought
An Austrian court sends a crackpot historian to prison for denying the Holocaust; why shouldn't Muslims protesting the Muhammad cartoons question a double standard?
Feb 22, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Gasbag Gap The Gasbag Gap
Why expect political balance on talk TV when the networks are wedded to the belief that all the action is on the right?
Feb 16, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman