Spin to the Right Spin to the Right
Coretta Scott King's funeral should have been a paean to liberal values. Instead, talking heads nattered over the etiquette of speaking truth to power.
Feb 10, 2006 / Feature / Mark Hatch-Miller
Senators Mull an Internet With Restrictions Senators Mull an Internet With Restrictions
Telephone and cable bigwigs pitched their vision of a pay-to-play Internet to the Senate Commerce Committee Tuesday, and web visionaries pushed back. Lawmakers seemed baffled by th...
Feb 8, 2006 / Feature / Celia Viggo Wexler and Dawn Holian
Lies About Blowjobs, Bad. Wars? Not So Much. Lies About Blowjobs, Bad. Wars? Not So Much.
Despite his lies and incompetence, Bush remains more popular with elite media than Clinton or any other political leader who sought to save us from the Iraq catastrophe. Why won't ...
Feb 2, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman
The End of the Internet? The End of the Internet?
Telephone and cable companies are crafting strategies to transform the free and open Internet to a privately run service that would charge a fee for virtually everything we do onli...
Feb 1, 2006 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester
SpongeBob SquarePants, Health Risk SpongeBob SquarePants, Health Risk
The Center for Science in the Public Interest is suing Kellogg and Viacom for using cartoon characters to brainwash kids into consuming mass amounts of junk food.
Jan 31, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
You’ve Got Jail You’ve Got Jail
Obsessed voyeurs in the Bush Administration are poking their noses into everyone's business, with the help of Internet giants like Microsoft, AOL and Yahoo.
Jan 25, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Never Mind the Truth… Never Mind the Truth…
Coverage of the Alito hearings revealed once again that there is no liberal bias in mainstream media.
Jan 19, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman
Foggy Bottom Foggy Bottom
If we are suspending the law in deference to Bush's unchecked impulses, let's call it by its proper name: Benign lawlessness? Gitmo Governance? Fear Factor?
Jan 19, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
‘Fool Me Once…’ ‘Fool Me Once…’
The willingness of our most powerful media companies to defer to pressure from the White House is deeply disconcerting. In the name of national security, the Bush team repeatedly d...
Jan 5, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman
Dr. Germ and Mrs. Anthrax Set Free Dr. Germ and Mrs. Anthrax Set Free
Why is it not bigger news that these infamous Iraqi scientists have been quietly released from imprisonment in Iraq without any charges being brought by their US captors?
Dec 28, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer