Selling the War on TV Selling the War on TV
Let's say you have a war to sell. You have the usual public relations tools at your disposal: highly scripted press conferences, stories leaked by White House officials to a co...
Mar 13, 2003 / Susan J. Douglas
Court Reporter Court Reporter
On June 4, 1961, John F. Kennedy held his last meeting with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna.
Mar 6, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Dusko Doder
Washington Post Warriors Washington Post Warriors
A generation ago, when I worked at the Washington Post, the right-wing fringe occasionally referred to us as "Pravda on the Potomac." We reporters were amused but also rankled.
Mar 6, 2003 / William Greider
Donahue–War Casualty Donahue–War Casualty
War may or may not be inevitable, but a one-sided discussion of US policy toward Iraq appears to be all but guaranteed on network television.
Mar 6, 2003 / John Nichols
Donahue’s Demise Donahue’s Demise
The day before MSNBC announced that it was pulling the plug on Phil Donahue's nightly show, the man who pretty much invented talk TV was interviewing actress and author Rosie O'...
Mar 2, 2003 / Feature / John Nichols
In Bed With the Pentagon In Bed With the Pentagon
It's a fascinating scheme, "this very ambitious and aggressive embed plan," as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Bryan Whitman calls it.
Feb 27, 2003 / Carol Brightman
Hacks and Heroes Hacks and Heroes
Who's the hack? I nominate The New Yorker's Jeffrey Goldberg. He's the new Remington, though without the artistic talent.
Feb 27, 2003 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Venezuela’s Media Coup Venezuela’s Media Coup
Poor Endy Chávez, outfielder for the Navegantes del Magallanes, one of Venezuela's big baseball teams. Every time he comes up to bat, the local TV sportscasters start in...
Feb 13, 2003 / Column / Naomi Klein
Radio Ujjas Radio Ujjas
This article is based on a report originally produced for National Public Radio's On the Media.
Feb 9, 2003 / Feature / Miranda Kennedy
What Liberal Media? What Liberal Media?
The right is working the refs. And it's working.
Feb 6, 2003 / Feature / Eric Alterman