Middle East

YPG and US military

Is Turkey’s War on Syrian Kurds Becoming a War on the United States? Is Turkey’s War on Syrian Kurds Becoming a War on the United States?

President Erdogan seems to believe he can bully Trump into abandoning his allies in the fight against ISIS.

Apr 28, 2017 / Juan Cole

Donald Trump Thumbs

Relax, Donald: After 100 Days, You’ve Already Done So Much Relax, Donald: After 100 Days, You’ve Already Done So Much

President Trump shouldn’t be so defensive about Saturday’s milestone. The list of his accomplishments is long.

Apr 27, 2017 / Peter Dreier

Syrian children display books from the White Helmets

Militarism and Diplomacy Aren’t the Only Options in Syria Militarism and Diplomacy Aren’t the Only Options in Syria

If we want to help Syrians end the war, we need to put them at the center of the conversation.

Apr 26, 2017 / Mariam Elba

Putin Speech

Mounting Incitements to War With Russia Mounting Incitements to War With Russia

Villainizing the Kremlin—without much evidence—for crises from Washington and Europe to Syria, Ukraine, and Afghanistan is increasing the possibility of a US-Russian war.

Apr 26, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks at AIPAC

Open Letter to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Our Report on Apartheid in Israel Open Letter to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Our Report on Apartheid in Israel

Instead of responding to it with constructive criticism, you launched defamatory attacks on all involved.

Apr 25, 2017 / Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley


Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy? Where Is the Elizabeth Warren of Foreign Policy?

A challenge to the failed doctrines of the Democratic foreign-policy establishment is long overdue. 

Apr 25, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Mike Pence at the DMZ in Korea

How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis

The attack on the Syrian airfield was a message to North Korea and China—and a demonstration of Trump’s capitulation to the imperial clique.

Apr 20, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

Yemeni refugees

The World Hasn’t Had This Many People Dying of Starvation and Disease Since World War II The World Hasn’t Had This Many People Dying of Starvation and Disease Since World War II

And the United States is complicit in their death.

Apr 20, 2017 / Michael T. Klare

People protest after Russian hacking allegations.

Why the New Cold War Is More Dangerous Than the Preceding One Why the New Cold War Is More Dangerous Than the Preceding One

Questionable but orthodox Cold War narratives make actual war with Russia more likely than during its 40-year predecessor.

Apr 19, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump Syria Air Strike Impact

The Chemical-Weapons Attack In Syria: Is There a Place for Skepticism? The Chemical-Weapons Attack In Syria: Is There a Place for Skepticism?

The American media have excluded dissenting expert opinions in their rush to embrace Trump’s war on Syria.

Apr 19, 2017 / James Carden
