Trump’s Generals Are Considering a Wider War in Yemen Trump’s Generals Are Considering a Wider War in Yemen
A humanitarian crisis already threatens to starve millions. Deeper US involvement in the civil war will only make it far worse.
Apr 3, 2017 / Juan Cole

Trump Embraces the Most Repressive Dictator in Modern Egyptian History Trump Embraces the Most Repressive Dictator in Modern Egyptian History
President Sisi presents himself as a faithful ally in the war on terror, so Trump will ignore the tens of thousands he’s imprisoned.
Apr 3, 2017 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

How the Syrian Civil War Has Transformed Hezbollah How the Syrian Civil War Has Transformed Hezbollah
The Lebanese Shiite militia, which has played a central role in defending the Assad regime, is now a powerful regional player.
Mar 30, 2017 / Jesse Rosenfeld

The Sovietization of the American Political-Media Establishment? The Sovietization of the American Political-Media Establishment?
The hunt for Trump’s “Kremlin connections” indulges in practices reminiscent of the Soviet Kremlin and its media.
Mar 29, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Under Trump, the United States May Now Be Killing More Civilians Than Russia Under Trump, the United States May Now Be Killing More Civilians Than Russia
With mass-casualty events from Raqqa to Mosul, some think the US military is scrapping rules designed to protect innocents.
Mar 29, 2017 / Peter Certo

Nikki Haley Thinks the UN Can Be ‘Fixed’—and the US Will Do the Fixing Nikki Haley Thinks the UN Can Be ‘Fixed’—and the US Will Do the Fixing
But Donald Trump may not see it that way.
Mar 27, 2017 / Barbara Crossette

Famine Could Kill 20 Million in Africa and Yemen—Why the Deafening Silence? Famine Could Kill 20 Million in Africa and Yemen—Why the Deafening Silence?
As with the threat to kick 24 million off health care here, unchecked power is bringing humanity to a grave crisis.
Mar 24, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

Congress Needs to Stop Trump’s Escalation of the War on Syria Congress Needs to Stop Trump’s Escalation of the War on Syria
The president’s plans will only fan the country’s flames.
Mar 23, 2017 / James Carden

Are Israel and Hezbollah Preparing for War? Are Israel and Hezbollah Preparing for War?
Hezbollah’s role in the Syria conflict has transformed and emboldened the Lebanese Shiite movement—and worried Israel.
Mar 23, 2017 / Jesse Rosenfeld

The Ambiguous Legacy of Obama’s Foreign Policy The Ambiguous Legacy of Obama’s Foreign Policy
He may have talked about precision and constraint when it came to the national-security state, but he ultimately failed to leave us with a new strategic vision.
Mar 23, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Karen J. Greenberg