Slouching Toward War With Russia Slouching Toward War With Russia
The highly provocative and unnecessary ongoing US-NATO buildup in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe is bringing Washington closer to war with Moscow than at any time since the 1...
May 18, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

The Wealthiest, Most Democratic Countries Are Taking in Only a Fraction of the World’s Refugee Population The Wealthiest, Most Democratic Countries Are Taking in Only a Fraction of the World’s Refugee Population
The way a society treats its newest arrivals is a test of its democracy. And we’re failing.
May 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Why Is Washington Supporting Fundamentalist Jihadis in Syria? Why Is Washington Supporting Fundamentalist Jihadis in Syria?
A CIA-backed rebel group has joined with Al Qaeda in attacking another rebel force—the one leading negotiations in Geneva.
May 16, 2016 / Juan Cole

How Long Does an American Military Promise Last? As Long As a Snapchat. How Long Does an American Military Promise Last? As Long As a Snapchat.
We can’t seem to remember our recent history for long enough to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.
May 16, 2016 / Peter Van Buren

Vladimir Putin: The 21st Century’s Greatest Statesman or Its Greatest Threat? Vladimir Putin: The 21st Century’s Greatest Statesman or Its Greatest Threat?
The demonization of Putin seems to answer the question, but is it balanced and factual?
May 11, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

The US ‘War on Terror’ Is Playing Right Into ISIS’s Hands The US ‘War on Terror’ Is Playing Right Into ISIS’s Hands
If we continue to wield the sledgehammer, the likely effect is even more violent jihadism with broader appeal.
May 10, 2016 / Noam Chomsky

Who Rules the World? Who Rules the World?
The standard convention for answering this question often misses the point.
May 9, 2016 / Noam Chomsky

Is War With Russia Possible? Is War With Russia Possible?
The US is undermining opportunities for cooperation in Syria and Ukraine, while escalating NATO’s military presence near Russia.
May 4, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Bernie Sanders Should Push for a New Realism in Foreign Policy Bernie Sanders Should Push for a New Realism in Foreign Policy
Sanders is helping to energize and educate a new generation coming into American politics—it is imperative that a real security agenda be part of that education.
May 3, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Did OPEC Just Start Preparing for the End of the Oil Era? Did OPEC Just Start Preparing for the End of the Oil Era?
The debacle in Doha may be the beginning of the end for the old oil order.
Apr 28, 2016 / Michael T. Klare