Middle East

How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War

How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War

The spread of the Obama Doctrine of counterinsurgency signals a new and dangerous phase of contemporary warfare.

Oct 13, 2015 / Juan Cole

Turkey’s Double Game and the US’s Double Standards

Turkey’s Double Game and the US’s Double Standards Turkey’s Double Game and the US’s Double Standards

What the bombings in Ankara tell us about Turkey’s true motives in Syria.

Oct 12, 2015 / James Carden


The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators

While authoritarian rule appears to provide stability over the short term, it breeds discontent and affirms the idea that violence is the only way to be heard.

Oct 9, 2015 / Mohamad Bazzi

The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria

The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria The New Cold War Is Now Being Waged on Three Fronts: Ukraine, Europe and Syria

It need not be on any of them.

Oct 7, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

Obama Speech

The US Massacre in Kunduz Exposes the Bankruptcy of Obama’s National-Security Policy The US Massacre in Kunduz Exposes the Bankruptcy of Obama’s National-Security Policy

Air power inflicts horrific human-rights violations and has been thoroughly discredited as a means of fighting insurgencies.

Oct 6, 2015 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

October 6, 1981: President Anwar Al-Sadat of Egypt Is Assassinated in Cairo

October 6, 1981: President Anwar Al-Sadat of Egypt Is Assassinated in Cairo October 6, 1981: President Anwar Al-Sadat of Egypt Is Assassinated in Cairo

“Policy must be built on a more solid foundation than personal intimacy with the current occupant of the Pharaoh’s throne.”

Oct 6, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer

‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer ‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer

The Post is coming down hard against Russia’s operations in Syria.

Oct 5, 2015 / James Carden

The US and Russia Are Fighting a Cold War on Two Fronts

The US and Russia Are Fighting a Cold War on Two Fronts The US and Russia Are Fighting a Cold War on Two Fronts

In both Washington and Moscow, opposition to a US-Russian coalition to fight ISIS remains entrenched.

Oct 2, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

How to End the Civil War in Syria

How to End the Civil War in Syria How to End the Civil War in Syria

It won’t be easy, but there are concrete measures we can take right now to relieve the agony.

Oct 1, 2015 / The Editors

Allesandro Spina

A Stage Across the Sea A Stage Across the Sea

An unjustly-neglected Libyan novelist captured the twisted logic of colonialism, past and present.

Oct 1, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Ursula Lindsey
