Is Turkey Returning to Civil War? Is Turkey Returning to Civil War?
The cease-fire between the government and the Kurdish PKK has broken down, with increasing repression of the media and opposition political activists.
Sep 30, 2015 / Constanze Letsch

Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This Refugees to Europe: Do Better Than This
From Germany to Switzerland, asylum seekers are organizing to demand humane treatment from rich nations.
Sep 30, 2015 / Caitlin L. Chandler

September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper
“The cartoon scandal is about much more than freedom of speech. At its heart the controversy is about power.”
Sep 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Obama and Putin Meet in New York, Agree on Nothing Obama and Putin Meet in New York, Agree on Nothing
The US establishment doesn’t understand that Russia’s foray into Syria is more than an imperial gamble.
Sep 29, 2015 / James Carden

How One Man Laid the Groundwork for Today’s Crisis in the Middle East How One Man Laid the Groundwork for Today’s Crisis in the Middle East
We’re still paying the price of Henry Kissinger’s “grand strategies.”
Sep 28, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Why Syrian Refugees in Turkey Are Leaving for Europe Why Syrian Refugees in Turkey Are Leaving for Europe
“Maybe you’ll see a picture of me floating on one of those little boats.”
Sep 28, 2015 / Omar Ghabra

What Does Iran’s President Rouhani Think of the Nuclear Deal? What Does Iran’s President Rouhani Think of the Nuclear Deal?
In a breakfast chat, Rouhani talks about what’s next for the deal, the Syrian crisis, and ISIS.
Sep 28, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

September 28, 2000: Ariel Sharon Visits the Temple Mount, Sparking the Second Intifada September 28, 2000: Ariel Sharon Visits the Temple Mount, Sparking the Second Intifada
“A new sense may actually be dawning that only a mass movement against Israeli apartheid (similar to South Africa’s) will work.”
Sep 28, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul
“American responsibility for recent events in Afghanistan is greater than Administration officials pretend.”
Sep 27, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

How Many Wars Is the US Really Fighting? How Many Wars Is the US Really Fighting?
Hint: the answer is way more than you think.
Sep 24, 2015 / Nick Turse