Middle East

Naftali Bennett

Here in Israel, the Perils of a Government of ‘No Politics’ Here in Israel, the Perils of a Government of ‘No Politics’

The country’s new coalition government, whose only common ground is the desire to get rid of Benjamin Netanyahu, might just mark a turning point in Israel’s ability to avoid accoun...

Jun 10, 2021 / Jeff Halper


My Bill Would Stop US Aid From Funding Palestinian Suffering My Bill Would Stop US Aid From Funding Palestinian Suffering

HR 2590 would restrict US military aid to Israel from being used to demolish homes, annex Palestinian land, or imprison Palestinian children in military detention facilities.

Jun 4, 2021 / Betty McCollum

Gaza Israeli Palestinian conflict

A Fart Joke Is Not a Pogrom A Fart Joke Is Not a Pogrom

In the wake of violence in Israel and Palestine, American observers distort the conflict through the lens of their own solipsism.

Jun 3, 2021 / Talia Lavin

A Prisoner Videotaped Covid Conditions Last Year. Where Is He Now?

A Prisoner Videotaped Covid Conditions Last Year. Where Is He Now? A Prisoner Videotaped Covid Conditions Last Year. Where Is He Now?

Of life on the line.

Jun 2, 2021 / Zia Jaffrey

Ibrahim Hammad

Life in Gaza With Down Syndrome Life in Gaza With Down Syndrome

Ibrahim Hammad, 12, has never been allowed to leave the 140-square-mile territory.

Jun 1, 2021 / Sara Luterman

Guantánamo Bay

As the War Ends, So Too Must the Detention of Guantánamo Bay Prisoners Detained in Connection to It As the War Ends, So Too Must the Detention of Guantánamo Bay Prisoners Detained in Connection to It

There are 28 men still detained at Guantánamo Bay in connection with the war in Afghanistan who must be released.

May 31, 2021 / Rear Admiral (Ret.) Donald J. Guter and Rear Admiral (Ret.) John Hutson

Biden Lloyd Austin

Biden’s Pledge to Rein In Arms Deals Is Already Eroding Biden’s Pledge to Rein In Arms Deals Is Already Eroding

Backed by the weapons industry, Trump secured massive arms sales with Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East. Will Biden be different?

May 27, 2021 / William D. Hartung

DAM—Palestinian hip hop group

‘We Don’t Want What Happened in 1948 to Happen to Us Again’ ‘We Don’t Want What Happened in 1948 to Happen to Us Again’

An interview with members of the iconic Palestinian hip-hop group DAM, after surviving days of terror in their home town of Lydd.

May 26, 2021 / Mahmood Jrere, Tamer Nafar, and Udi Aloni

Israel arrests Palestinian

The War on Palestinians Continues—Now in the Form of Mass Arrests The War on Palestinians Continues—Now in the Form of Mass Arrests

Israel says the campaign of mass arrests is about “law and order,” but Palestinians know it is about quashing dissent inside the state.

May 25, 2021 / Abir Kopty

President Joe Biden

More Than 500 of the Staffers Who Got Biden Elected Demand That He Defend Palestinian Rights More Than 500 of the Staffers Who Got Biden Elected Demand That He Defend Palestinian Rights

Former Biden campaign and DNC workers demand “concrete steps to end the occupation in pursuit of justice, peace, and self-determination for Palestinians.”

May 25, 2021 / John Nichols
