Middle East

Eliot Engel

Why Is GOP Money Going to Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel? Why Is GOP Money Going to Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel?

On foreign policy, the 16-term incumbent aligns with the Republicans.

Jun 23, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein

Donald Trump sits next to Saudi Crown Prince in Oval Office

Why Washington Keeps Lobbying for War in the Middle East Why Washington Keeps Lobbying for War in the Middle East

Saudi, Qatari, and Emirati lobbyists continue to jockey for power with near-endless streams of capital.

Jun 10, 2020 / Jessica Draper and Morgan Palumbo

Trump in front of an American flag

Time to Fundamentally Rethink What Trump Means by Security Time to Fundamentally Rethink What Trump Means by Security

The challenge for his successor will be how to dig out from the rubble.

Jun 2, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Israel’s Mizrahi Activists Are Fighting the Racist Nation-State Law

Israel’s Mizrahi Activists Are Fighting the Racist Nation-State Law Israel’s Mizrahi Activists Are Fighting the Racist Nation-State Law

Echoing the country’s Black Panther movement of the early 1970s, they’re challenging the false binary of Arab vs. Jew, which the law strengthens.

May 27, 2020 / Jen Marlowe

Trump staring at Pence

Religious Fundamentalists Are Making the Pandemic Worse Religious Fundamentalists Are Making the Pandemic Worse

In the US and abroad, leaders are putting faith before good science.

May 20, 2020 / Juan Cole

Gaza Holds Its Breath as the Threat of Coronavirus Looms

Gaza Holds Its Breath as the Threat of Coronavirus Looms Gaza Holds Its Breath as the Threat of Coronavirus Looms

The besieged territory has been starved of basic resources for years, its health sector eroded. What will happen if Covid-19 comes?

May 15, 2020 / Ahmed Abu Artema

The Worlds of Edward Said

The Worlds of Edward Said The Worlds of Edward Said

An exile who made the world his home, Said infused his literary style with a cosmopolitan ease and his political commitments with a cosmopolitan ethics.

May 5, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Rashid Khalidi

In Israel, the Betrayal that Made Netanyahu King

In Israel, the Betrayal that Made Netanyahu King In Israel, the Betrayal that Made Netanyahu King

Rather than join with the Arab-led list and embrace true democracy, Benny Gantz chose chauvinism and corruption. 

Apr 29, 2020 / Haggai Matar

US forces wearing protective gear on an air base

How Trump’s Foreign Policy Puts Troops at Risk of Covid-19 How Trump’s Foreign Policy Puts Troops at Risk of Covid-19

A leaked intelligence brief reveals US sanctions have “left Iran bereft of financial resources to mount an effective public health response.”

Apr 22, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein

Iran Is Suffering Under the Coronavirus, and the US Is Imposing Fresh Sanctions

Iran Is Suffering Under the Coronavirus, and the US Is Imposing Fresh Sanctions Iran Is Suffering Under the Coronavirus, and the US Is Imposing Fresh Sanctions

As the Trump administration tightens the screws on Iran, Biden and the Democratic establishment dither, or worse.

Apr 22, 2020 / James Carden
