Israeli Extremists Are Making a Comeback—With the Help of US Tax Dollars Israeli Extremists Are Making a Comeback—With the Help of US Tax Dollars
American nonprofits have funneled money to Meir Kahane’s followers, who now have a chance to enter the Knesset.
Feb 26, 2019 / Mairav Zonszein

The Cost of Being a War Resister in Israel The Cost of Being a War Resister in Israel
A 19-year-old Israeli was jailed six times after refusing military service.
Feb 25, 2019 / Rory Fanning

US Foreign Policy Is for Sale US Foreign Policy Is for Sale
Washington think tanks receive millions of dollars from authoritarian governments to shape foreign policy in their favor.
Feb 21, 2019 / Benjamin Freeman

How the Failure of Our Foreign Wars Fueled Nativist Fanaticism How the Failure of Our Foreign Wars Fueled Nativist Fanaticism
For nearly two centuries, US politicians have channeled extremism outward. But the frontier is gone, the empire is faltering, and the chickens are coming home to roost.
Feb 21, 2019 / Feature / Greg Grandin

The House Vote to End Support for the War on Yemen Shows How Much Has Changed The House Vote to End Support for the War on Yemen Shows How Much Has Changed
Under the leadership of Republican Speaker Paul Ryan, the House did everything in its power to prevent Ro Khanna’s bill from coming to a vote.
Feb 14, 2019 / James Carden

Who Lost America? Who Lost America?
The fall of the republic was foretold long before Donald Trump.
Feb 14, 2019 / Tom Engelhardt

This Is How AIPAC Really Works This Is How AIPAC Really Works
An AIPAC and Capitol Hill veteran explains the lobby’s tactics of reward and retribution.
Feb 14, 2019 / M.J. Rosenberg

Love in the Time of Apartheid Love in the Time of Apartheid
For Palestinians like my fiancée and me, falling in love means scaling walls and defying occupation.
Feb 14, 2019 / Ahmad Abuznaid

What Ilhan Omar Said About AIPAC Was Right What Ilhan Omar Said About AIPAC Was Right
I’m ashamed to admit that endorsing AIPAC positions was all about the Benjamins for me and my candidate.
Feb 12, 2019 / Ady Barkan

Who Is Matt Duss, and Can He Take On Washington’s ‘Blob’? Who Is Matt Duss, and Can He Take On Washington’s ‘Blob’?
Bernie Sanders’s foreign-policy adviser is part of a new generation of progressives fighting an entrenched status quo.
Feb 6, 2019 / Feature / David Klion