National Security

It’s Time for a 21st Century Debate on Privacy and Surveillance

It’s Time for a 21st Century Debate on Privacy and Surveillance It’s Time for a 21st Century Debate on Privacy and Surveillance

Public knowledge and legal opinion have yet to catch up to the massive state spying enabled by new technologies.

Jun 17, 2013 / David K. Shipler

The Making of a Global Security State

The Making of a Global Security State The Making of a Global Security State

The five uncontrollable urges of a secrecy-surveillance world.

Jun 17, 2013 / Tom Engelhardt

A Response to Glenn Greenwald

A Response to Glenn Greenwald A Response to Glenn Greenwald

The Guardian journalist still insists he didn’t make any mistakes on the PRISM story. A technologist explains why he’s still wrong.

Jun 14, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Why Are Massive National Security Breaches So Ridiculously Easy?

Why Are Massive National Security Breaches So Ridiculously Easy? Why Are Massive National Security Breaches So Ridiculously Easy?

Bradley Manning’s leak was as difficult as microwaving popcorn. What does this mean?

Jun 13, 2013 / Chase Madar

Glenn Greenwald’s ‘Epic Botch’?

Glenn Greenwald’s ‘Epic Botch’? Glenn Greenwald’s ‘Epic Botch’?

According to tech experts, Glenn Greenwald has made a big mistake on a key component of his work on the NSA’s PRISM program.

Jun 13, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

The Five Stages of Living in a National Surveillance State

The Five Stages of Living in a National Surveillance State The Five Stages of Living in a National Surveillance State

Acceptance may be the most painful step.

Jun 11, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6

Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6 Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6

How the Wikileaks source did more for US national security than SEAL Team 6.

Jun 11, 2013 / Chase Madar

Spying by the NSA: Calm Down, It’s Not Nixon’s Plumbers

Spying by the NSA: Calm Down, It’s Not Nixon’s Plumbers Spying by the NSA: Calm Down, It’s Not Nixon’s Plumbers

Not a molehill, but not a mountain either.

Jun 11, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Senators: End the Secret Law that Frames Surveillance Programs

Senators: End the Secret Law that Frames Surveillance Programs Senators: End the Secret Law that Frames Surveillance Programs

A bipartisan group of eight senators would require the attorney general to declassify significant Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) opinions.

Jun 11, 2013 / John Nichols

The Passion of Edward Snowden

The Passion of Edward Snowden The Passion of Edward Snowden

There’s really nothing “meta” about metadata.

Jun 10, 2013 / Chase Madar
