
Man Walking

How (Not) to Fake Your Own Death How (Not) to Fake Your Own Death

Elizabeth Greenwood’s Playing Dead is a brilliant series of entertaining character reports, but her telling of what all the deceit and deletions add up to is unconvincing.

Oct 20, 2016 / Hannah Gold

Democracy’s Revenge

Democracy’s Revenge Democracy’s Revenge

What political scientists and policy journalists often miss about American politics.

Oct 19, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Timothy Shenk

Deep Stories: Arlie Russell Hochschild’s Journey into Trump Country

Deep Stories: Arlie Russell Hochschild’s Journey into Trump Country Deep Stories: Arlie Russell Hochschild’s Journey into Trump Country

For many of Louisiana Tea Partiers, "Democrat" wasn’t a bad word when they were growing up but it is now. The well-known sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild went to the heart...

Sep 28, 2016 / Books & the Arts / John B. Judis

Who Freed the Slaves?

Who Freed the Slaves? Who Freed the Slaves?

For some time now, the answer has not been the abolitionists.

Sep 13, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Stephanie McCurry

Behind the Sun

Behind the Sun Behind the Sun

In four books about Syria and Egypt, the narrative arc of revolution bends toward disappointment.

Sep 6, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Ursula Lindsey


How a Nun, a Vet, and a Housepainter Stood Up to the Threat of Nuclear Weapons How a Nun, a Vet, and a Housepainter Stood Up to the Threat of Nuclear Weapons

Dan Zak’s Almighty reminds readers that the United States’ poisonous and very expensive history of nuclear-weapons production is far from over.

Aug 31, 2016 / Frida Berrigan

Naming America’s Own Genocide

Naming America’s Own Genocide Naming America’s Own Genocide

In a commanding new book, Benjamin Madley calls California’s 19th-century elected officials “the primary architects of annihilation” against Native Americans in the state. Reading ...

Aug 17, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Richard White

Oneida John Humphrey Noyes

Oneida’s Original, Utopian Vision Oneida’s Original, Utopian Vision

Championing the free market is compatible with the company’s original free-love doctrine: The fierce desire of men to feel competent bankrolls both.

Aug 8, 2016 / Hannah Gold

Gas Crisis NY

Running on Empty Running on Empty

Was the failure to solve the US energy crisis of the 1970s a product of bad government policy, or of voters demanding that their government do the impossible?

Aug 4, 2016 / Jefferson Decker

Europe’s Other Migration Crisis

Europe’s Other Migration Crisis Europe’s Other Migration Crisis

Eastern European countries are attempting to deter immigration today for the same reason they tried to halt emigration a century ago: to protect themselves as ethnic nations.

Jul 13, 2016 / Books & the Arts / John Connelly
