The Abolition of Nuclear Abolitionism? The Abolition of Nuclear Abolitionism?
President Trump’s withdrawal from the INF Treaty nullifies a historic precedent.
Oct 24, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Inconvenient Thoughts on Cold War and Other News Inconvenient Thoughts on Cold War and Other News
Intelligence agencies, Nikki Haley, sanctions, and public opinion.
Oct 17, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

More Cold War Extremism and Crises More Cold War Extremism and Crises
Overshadowed by the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, US-Russian relations grow ever more perilous.
Oct 3, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump’s Reality-TV Trade Deal Trump’s Reality-TV Trade Deal
He claims the new North American bill is a victory for US manufacturing, but it’s a lot like the TPP and does very little for US workers.
Oct 3, 2018 / Dean Baker

Progressives Must Seize Their Momentum to Articulate a Saner Foreign Policy Progressives Must Seize Their Momentum to Articulate a Saner Foreign Policy
A clear message is needed: Enough with endless wars and the global oligarchy.
Sep 25, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

How Conspiracy Theories Unite the International Far Right How Conspiracy Theories Unite the International Far Right
At a recent gathering in St. Louis, paranoia, xenophobia, and racism gave far-right activists from around the world a common cause.
Sep 21, 2018 / Brendan O’Connor

Who Putin Is Not Who Putin Is Not
Falsely demonizing Russia’s leader has made the new Cold War even more dangerous.
Sep 20, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

‘Vital’ US Moles in the Kremlin Go Missing! ‘Vital’ US Moles in the Kremlin Go Missing!
According to New York Times intel leakers, “informants close to” Putin have “gone silent.” What can it all mean?
Aug 29, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

What the Brennan Affair Really Reveals What the Brennan Affair Really Reveals
Valorizing an ex-CIA director and bashing Trump obscures what is truly ominous.
Aug 22, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Sanction Mania vs. Russia Sanction Mania vs. Russia
For nearly 100 years, Russia has been under US sanctions, often to the detriment of American national security.
Aug 15, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen