Nuclear Arms and Proliferation

Threat inflation: the Chinese balloon floats over Billings, Mont., on Wednesday, February 1.

Raving Balloonatics Take Over Washington Raving Balloonatics Take Over Washington

"Mr. President, we must not allow…a balloon gap!"

Feb 6, 2023 / Jeet Heer

US special forces group conducting weapons training

War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves

Isn’t it time to hold Congress truly responsible for enabling ever more war by voting out military sycophants?

Feb 2, 2023 / William Astore

Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times?

Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times? Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times?

“No justice, no peace” is more than a slogan. It’s a precondition for achieving a more peaceful life in this country.  

Jan 23, 2023 / Nan Levinson

Ukrainian soldier sits on top of a tank.

Nothing Is Worse Than Silence in the Face of Aggression Nothing Is Worse Than Silence in the Face of Aggression

The Russo-Ukrainian War and the rest of us.

Jan 20, 2023 / Bill Fletcher Jr.

An unarmed Trident II D5 missile is test-launched

Who Benefits Most From a Bloated Pentagon Budget? The Weapons Industry. Who Benefits Most From a Bloated Pentagon Budget? The Weapons Industry.

The Pentagon’s long-awaited National Defense Strategy, released late last year, is an object lesson in how not to make choices among competing priorities. 

Jan 20, 2023 / William D. Hartung

Hagel speaks with Afghanistan troops

When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure When It Comes to the US Military, Nothing Succeeds Like Failure

Constant warfare and preparations for more of it overseas have led only to costly defeats, and the budget just keeps getting bigger.

Jan 19, 2023 / William Astore

Chinese military march in front of missile

A Pentagon Report on China Fuels a Military Spending Frenzy in the US A Pentagon Report on China Fuels a Military Spending Frenzy in the US

How the media is misrepresenting what’s in the document.

Jan 12, 2023 / Michael T. Klare

The United States’ Global Power Is Fading Fast

The United States’ Global Power Is Fading Fast The United States’ Global Power Is Fading Fast

Becoming a primarily regional power is actually an opportunity to fundamentally reconsider relations with our home region, North America.

Jan 12, 2023 / Alfred McCoy

Letters Icon

Letters From the January 9/16, 2023, Issue Letters From the January 9/16, 2023, Issue

Here we go again… Unintended consequences… An American daughter… Dangerous policies…

Dec 27, 2022 / Our Readers

Calls Grow for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine

Calls Grow for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine Calls Grow for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine

Inspired by the Christmas Truce of 1914, more than 1,000 faith leaders are urging the United States to use diplomatic channels to seek a cessation of violence in Ukraine.

Dec 23, 2022 / John Nichols
