America Has Gotten So Absurd That We Are Seriously Considering Electing a Walking Ponzi Scheme as President America Has Gotten So Absurd That We Are Seriously Considering Electing a Walking Ponzi Scheme as President
Welcome to the United States, where war, nukes, and birther conspiracy theories reign supreme.
Sep 22, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt
Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party? Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?
The US military attack on the Syrian army gravely endangers Obama’s proposed détente with Putin in Syria and elsewhere.
Sep 21, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen
Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine? Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine?
Pro-détente diplomacy is being fiercely opposed by detractors from Washington to Kiev.
Sep 14, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen
How Did a Nuclear Warhead End Up Lying in a Ditch in Arkansas? How Did a Nuclear Warhead End Up Lying in a Ditch in Arkansas?
The documentary Command and Control shows just how horrifyingly vulnerable we are to errors involving nuclear weapons.
Sep 13, 2016 / William D. Hartung
What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton
Missing from an election season dominated by spectacle and confrontation is the serious debate we desperately need to have about nuclear weapons.
Sep 13, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
More Lost Opportunities to Diminish the New Cold War More Lost Opportunities to Diminish the New Cold War
Obama rejects a partnership with Russia against ISIS in Syria and reneges on his own proposals to reduce nuclear dangers while Ukraine’s President Poroshenko reneges on an agreemen...
Sep 7, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen
How a Nun, a Vet, and a Housepainter Stood Up to the Threat of Nuclear Weapons How a Nun, a Vet, and a Housepainter Stood Up to the Threat of Nuclear Weapons
Dan Zak’s Almighty reminds readers that the United States’ poisonous and very expensive history of nuclear-weapons production is far from over.
Aug 31, 2016 / Frida Berrigan
More Alarming News From the Fronts of the New Cold War More Alarming News From the Fronts of the New Cold War
Finland may become yet another front, the war party may have defeated Obama on Syria policy, and dangerous desperation in Kiev.
Aug 24, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen
Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’ Cold-War Casualties From Ukraine and Syria to the New York Times’s ‘Standards’
Factional politics may have killed Obama’s proposed détente with Russia and the Minsk peace process in Ukraine, while the Times publishes another gutter article—this one about Paul...
Aug 17, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen
Trump Opponents Hint at Sedition While Clinton Partisans Embrace the Neocons Trump Opponents Hint at Sedition While Clinton Partisans Embrace the Neocons
Regardless of who wins, this election has caused national-security experts to discard the traditional allegiances of the Iraq-War era.
Aug 15, 2016 / James Carden