Obama Trapped Behind Wall of Mideast Containment Obama Trapped Behind Wall of Mideast Containment
Why the Obama administration's efforts to achieve a Middle East peace between the Israelis and Palestinians are inextricably linked to its efforts to bring Iran to heel.
Oct 7, 2009 / Feature / Ira Chernus
Huge Hurdles to Nuclear and Energy Reform Huge Hurdles to Nuclear and Energy Reform
At the UN this week, Barack Obama told the world to stop complaining about US hegemony and start working with Washington on big global problems. He should take his own advice.
Sep 25, 2009 / Barbara Crossette
Hiroshima Day Hiroshima Day
The official secrecy and deceptions about our nuclear weapons posture and policies and their possible consequences have threatened the survival of the human species.
Aug 6, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Ellsberg
For the Sixty-Fourth Time: No More Nuclear War For the Sixty-Fourth Time: No More Nuclear War
On the 64th anniversary of atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki the threat of a nuclear war remains potent. US nuclear policy hasn't changed enough since the Bush years.
Aug 5, 2009 / Feature / Frida Berrigan
Obama’s Nuclear Challenge Obama’s Nuclear Challenge
Obama's promise to move toward disarmament is not the same as achieving it.
Apr 15, 2009 / Jonathan Schell
North Korea Rocket Stirs Hawks North Korea Rocket Stirs Hawks
North Korea's rocket launch has set the hawks circling, threatening Obama's non-proliferation agenda before it's off the ground. Chuck Hagel is pushing back.
Apr 5, 2009 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
We Can’t Talk to Iran, But We Can Sell Them Weapons We Can’t Talk to Iran, But We Can Sell Them Weapons
My latest turn on Bloggingheads TV gave me a chance to vent on a particular issue that's been driving me crazy amid the entire back and forth about appeasement and diplomacy, parti...
May 28, 2008 / Chris Hayes
Leaving Cheyenne Mountain Leaving Cheyenne Mountain
Post-cold war America is looking a lot like the former Soviet Union.
Apr 17, 2008 / Feature / William J. Astore
New Hampshire’s Nuclear Primary New Hampshire’s Nuclear Primary
Edwards and Kucinich oppose nuclear power plants; Obama and Clinton are very much in favor: Will voters care?
Jan 7, 2008 / Feature / Harvey Wasserman
The Old and New Shapes of Nuclear Danger The Old and New Shapes of Nuclear Danger
During the cold war, the driving force was the bilateral arms race; now it's proliferation.
Dec 6, 2007 / Feature / Jonathan Schell