Occupy Movement

Congressional Progessive Caucus

It’s Time for the Congressional Progressive Caucus to Raise Its Game It’s Time for the Congressional Progressive Caucus to Raise Its Game

The CPC must move from being the conscience of the Democratic caucus to being its captain, from defining the alternative to defining the agenda.

Feb 8, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Trump Protest LAX

Protests Are Putting Trump on Notice: You’re in for a Fight Protests Are Putting Trump on Notice: You’re in for a Fight

The opposition isn’t going to sit idly by while Trump demonizes immigrants and violates the Constitution.

Feb 1, 2017 / Mark Hertsgaard

LAX Trump protesters

The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious

It will take sustained and strategic action on many fronts to defend our democracy while building a bigger, stronger progressive movement.

Jan 31, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Students protest low wages.

3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches 3 Steps for Progressive Resistance and Rebuilding as the Trump Era Launches

Ultimately, the party’s fortunes will depend on recruiting a new generation of progressive leaders who can harness the power of social movements and drive it into electoral politic...

Jan 3, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Mouffe in Spain

America in Populist Times: An Interview With Chantal Mouffe America in Populist Times: An Interview With Chantal Mouffe

One of the preeminent theorists on democracy, social movements, and populism, her work was an inspiration to Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece.

Dec 15, 2016 / Waleed Shahid

Minimum Wage Rally

How to Mount a Progressive Resistance How to Mount a Progressive Resistance

Opposition to Trump will come—not only in the streets but also from leaders in states and cities who are intent on making America better.

Dec 13, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Congressional Progessive Caucus

Taking It to the States Taking It to the States

State and local government is where the next generation of progressive voices will emerge.

Nov 22, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

From Black Lives Matter to the Fight for $15: Why Americans Are in Revolt

From Black Lives Matter to the Fight for $15: Why Americans Are in Revolt From Black Lives Matter to the Fight for $15: Why Americans Are in Revolt

Journalist Sarah Jaffe celebrates the social movements that are rocking the country.

Oct 21, 2016 / Q&A / Astra Taylor

Democracy Spring Protesters

It’s Time for the Left to Claim a Few Victories It’s Time for the Left to Claim a Few Victories

The country is shunning Trump, Hillary Clinton said “systemic racism,” and the Paris climate agreement goes into effect in three weeks.

Oct 17, 2016 / Rebecca Gordon

TPP protest

Inequality Is Still the Defining Issue of Our Time Inequality Is Still the Defining Issue of Our Time

Fierce battles over trade, labor rights, and executive compensation will determine whether we can really narrow the gap.

Oct 12, 2016 / Robert L. Borosage
