Susan Meiselas’s Redemptive Time Susan Meiselas’s Redemptive Time
In her new photo-memoir, the photographer returns to the origin of her career to reflect on all she’s remembered, and why it’s worth remembering.
Dec 5, 2017 / Ratik Asokan

Pieces of Vivian Maier Pieces of Vivian Maier
The mysterious photographer left behind so much and, at the same time, so little.
Nov 6, 2017 / Jillian Steinhauer

Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’ Speaking of the ‘Female Gaze’
In today’s confused, commercial, and not-quite-intellectual environment, the phrase “female gaze” functions in varied ways, according to its users’ needs.
Sep 18, 2017 / Alina Cohen

The Borderlands’ Human Stain The Borderlands’ Human Stain
Photographs that capture the traces of violence that have plagued the US-Mexico border for generations.
Jul 27, 2017 / Photo Essay / John Washington

Stop the Trump Administration From Defunding the Arts and Humanities Stop the Trump Administration From Defunding the Arts and Humanities
This is not about fiscal responsibility.
Mar 13, 2017 / NationAction

Ellen Cantor’s Perpetual Revisions Ellen Cantor’s Perpetual Revisions
The artist’s final film tested her belief that love could be stronger than the will to power.
Dec 20, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans
Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.
Dec 12, 2016 / Photo Essay / Meta Krese and Jošt Franko

John Berger: The Human, the Artist John Berger: The Human, the Artist
In The Seasons in Quincy, we learn little about the former and attempts to celebrate the latter collapse into the elegiac.
Sep 12, 2016 / Anakwa Dwamena

Danny Lyon’s Drama of Solitude Danny Lyon’s Drama of Solitude
How did he take such profoundly empathetic photographs?
Sep 6, 2016 / Ratik Asokan

Thomas Struth’s Post-Internet Art Thomas Struth’s Post-Internet Art
His pictures generate a perceptual confusion that might best represent where we stand with technology today.
Aug 23, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky