What’s Exceptional About Ferguson, Missouri? What’s Exceptional About Ferguson, Missouri?
The racial disparities in the town where Michael Brown was killed by police are shocking, but they’re characteristic of the nation.
Aug 13, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

The Death of Michael Brown and the Search for Justice in Black America The Death of Michael Brown and the Search for Justice in Black America
Theodore Wafer’s guilty verdict allowed us to breathe easy for a second, but the killing of Michael Brown sucked all the oxygen right back out of the room.
Aug 12, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Why It’s Absolutely No Surprise Mayor de Blasio Is Defending ‘Broken Windows’ Why It’s Absolutely No Surprise Mayor de Blasio Is Defending ‘Broken Windows’
The de Blasio administration says it supports “broken windows” so long as it is done in a “respectful” manner. But that’s impossible. It is by definit...
Aug 6, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Surprise! NYPD Commissioner Bratton Doesn’t Think Race Had Anything to Do With Eric Garner’s Death Surprise! NYPD Commissioner Bratton Doesn’t Think Race Had Anything to Do With Eric Garner’s Death
We don’t escape America's history of racism because we believe ourselves to be good people, or that we're just doing our jobs. It’s already defined our lives.&n...
Jul 23, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Eric Garner’s Death and the Exasperation With Police Violence Eric Garner’s Death and the Exasperation With Police Violence
We have ceded so much power to the police, and they brazenly flaunt it without fear of repercussion.
Jul 21, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

The Myth of the Magical Black Father The Myth of the Magical Black Father
I’m wondering— what can’t be blamed on absent black fathers?
Jul 17, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Spied On for Being Muslim Spied On for Being Muslim
A new investigation by The Intercept reveals how racist anti-Muslim neocons are driving the nation’s law enforcement agenda.
Jul 10, 2014 / Moustafa Bayoumi

This Is What Happens When the Security State and Anti-Muslim Paranoia Collide This Is What Happens When the Security State and Anti-Muslim Paranoia Collide
A new report reveals that the NSA spied on five prominent American Muslims.
Jul 9, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

25 Years Later, America Is Still Struggling to ‘Do the Right Thing’ 25 Years Later, America Is Still Struggling to ‘Do the Right Thing’
On the 25th anniversity of Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing," America needs to ask itself some hard questions.
Jun 30, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Mychal Denzel Smith

How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes? How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes?
Systematic undercounting of sexual assaults in the US disguises a hidden rape crisis.
Jun 27, 2014 / Soraya Chemaly