Police and Law Enforcement

The NYPD Has Disbanded Its Most Notorious Spy Unit, but Is the Age of Muslim Surveillance Really Over?

The NYPD Has Disbanded Its Most Notorious Spy Unit, but Is the Age of Muslim Surveillance Really Over? The NYPD Has Disbanded Its Most Notorious Spy Unit, but Is the Age of Muslim Surveillance Really Over?

Many worry that the architecture of NYPD’s surveillance system remains largely intact.

Apr 23, 2014 / Anna Lekas Miller

Rancher Bundy and His Cows in ‘A Visit to the Big Apple’

Rancher Bundy and His Cows in ‘A Visit to the Big Apple’ Rancher Bundy and His Cows in ‘A Visit to the Big Apple’

All American patriots should have the right to bring their cows to the top of the Empire State Building.

Apr 23, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

Did Occupy Actually Make Police Departments More Accountable?

Did Occupy Actually Make Police Departments More Accountable? Did Occupy Actually Make Police Departments More Accountable?

Occupy Wall Street activists like Cecily McMillan are still fighting the state, only this time they’re waging their battles in the courts.

Apr 15, 2014 / Amity Paye

The Outrageous Trial of Cecily McMillan

The Outrageous Trial of Cecily McMillan The Outrageous Trial of Cecily McMillan

A young Occupy Wall Street activist ended up in the hospital after her arrest. So why is she the one being prosecuted for assault?

Apr 14, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

DOJ Blasts Albuquerque Police Department’s ‘Culture of Unjustifiable Aggression’

DOJ Blasts Albuquerque Police Department’s ‘Culture of Unjustifiable Aggression’ DOJ Blasts Albuquerque Police Department’s ‘Culture of Unjustifiable Aggression’

Albuquerque police who use excessive force rarely face any form of accountability.

Apr 10, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

How a Clerical Error Barred This Stanford Student From the United States

How a Clerical Error Barred This Stanford Student From the United States How a Clerical Error Barred This Stanford Student From the United States

Rahinah Ibrahim’s life was derailed by the tangle of national security bureaucracies that have come to define post-9/11 America. 

Apr 7, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

De Blasio Administration Appoints NYPD Inspector General

De Blasio Administration Appoints NYPD Inspector General De Blasio Administration Appoints NYPD Inspector General

De Blasio distinguished himself from his electoral opponents by advocating an independent overseer of the NYPD—now he’s fulfilled that promise.

Mar 28, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

Albuquerque Police Fatally Shoot Homeless Man Who Was Illegally Camping

Albuquerque Police Fatally Shoot Homeless Man Who Was Illegally Camping Albuquerque Police Fatally Shoot Homeless Man Who Was Illegally Camping

The death of James Boyd adds to a long list of questionable use-of-force incidents involving APD officers.

Mar 24, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

The Problem With Anti-Trafficking Dragnets

The Problem With Anti-Trafficking Dragnets The Problem With Anti-Trafficking Dragnets

A campaign to criminalize sex workers has put the City of Phoenix under the scrutiny of UN human rights authorities.

Mar 17, 2014 / Michelle Chen

De Blasio Hails Crime Stats, but Should Beware Metrics Mania

De Blasio Hails Crime Stats, but Should Beware Metrics Mania De Blasio Hails Crime Stats, but Should Beware Metrics Mania

The numbers look good. Someday they won’t. Let’s not talk about them so much.

Mar 12, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy
