Police and Law Enforcement

VIDEO: Arrests at Occupy Wall Street

VIDEO: Arrests at Occupy Wall Street VIDEO: Arrests at Occupy Wall Street

Around 175 people were arrested during a concerted action to shut down New York's financial district.

Nov 17, 2011 / Francis Reynolds

Former Seattle Police Chief: Police Forces ‘Haven’t Learned From Our Mistakes’ Former Seattle Police Chief: Police Forces ‘Haven’t Learned From Our Mistakes’

Drawing on his own struggle to ethically police Seattle's WTO protests in the 1990s, former Seattle Police Chief Stamper urges police forces to strike an appropriate balance betwee...

Nov 16, 2011 / Press Room

At Zuccotti Park, Police Protect the One Percent

At Zuccotti Park, Police Protect the One Percent At Zuccotti Park, Police Protect the One Percent

Attacks on peaceful protesters rarely make the police or government look anything but weak and cowardly.

Nov 15, 2011 / Laurie Penny

Penn State and Berkeley: A Tale of Two Protests

Penn State and Berkeley: A Tale of Two Protests Penn State and Berkeley: A Tale of Two Protests

Two coasts and two riots: a frat riot and a cop riot. Each riot, an indelible mark of shame on their respective institutions.

Nov 10, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street

Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street Paramilitary Policing From Seattle to Occupy Wall Street

As Seattle police chief in 1999, my disastrous response to the WTO protests should have been a cautionary tale. Yet our police forces have only become more militarized.

Nov 9, 2011 / Norm Stamper

Wall Street’s Second Occupation Wall Street’s Second Occupation

The police occupation of the Wall Street area has been hardly less massive, sustained or impressive than the Zuccotti Park encampment.

Oct 17, 2011 / Tom Engelhardt

Questions for San Francisco DA Candidate David Onek Questions for San Francisco DA Candidate David Onek

The longtime criminal justice reformer believes the city can improve public safety through smarter spending on social services.

Oct 11, 2011 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

The FBI’s ‘Good’ Muslims

The FBI’s ‘Good’ Muslims The FBI’s ‘Good’ Muslims

Community partnerships are seen as a softer counterterrorism. But who are the partners?

Aug 30, 2011 / Feature / Arun Kundnani

Driving While Immigrant Driving While Immigrant

Salvador Licea shares his experience with the ICE Secure Communities Program.

Jul 8, 2011 / Stokely Baksh and Renée Feltz

Policing Fitzwalkerstan: Top Cop Investigates Alleged Assault of High-Court Justice by Ally of Wisconsin’s Governor Policing Fitzwalkerstan: Top Cop Investigates Alleged Assault of High-Court Justice by Ally of Wisconsin’s Governor

A sheriff who has stood up to Governor Walker and defended the rule of law is called in to investigate allegations that a Walker ally attacks a state supreme court justice.

Jun 28, 2011 / John Nichols
