Police and Law Enforcement

The Burden of Racism Is Written in Stone

The Burden of Racism Is Written in Stone The Burden of Racism Is Written in Stone

Andre Henry created and carried this 100 pound emblem. Photo by Jonathan Timothy Stoner.

Aug 5, 2020 / OppArt / Andre Henry

NK Jemisin

N.K. Jemisin Wrote a Sci-Fi Ode to New York City—Then It Became Reality N.K. Jemisin Wrote a Sci-Fi Ode to New York City—Then It Became Reality

We talked to the award-winning writer about The City We Became, her latest groundbreaking, world-quaking book, and why it feels so prescient.

Aug 4, 2020 / Q&A / Jessica Suriano

Follow the Leader?

Follow the Leader? Follow the Leader?

The results of denying reality.

Aug 4, 2020 / OppArt / Mark Bryan

Violence Is Donald Trump’s Mother Tongue

Violence Is Donald Trump’s Mother Tongue Violence Is Donald Trump’s Mother Tongue

As the latest episodes reveal, the “Trump and Violence Show” is the president’s cynical attempt to promote a response in the streets that might actually require law enforcement act...

Aug 4, 2020 / Michael S. Roth

Antifa Rally in Boston

Homeland Security Is Quietly Tying Antifa to Foreign Powers Homeland Security Is Quietly Tying Antifa to Foreign Powers

An intelligence report obtained exclusively by The Nation mentions several Americans, including a left-wing podcast host.

Aug 3, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein


When You Have Diabetes, Even a Routine Police Encounter Can Turn Fatal When You Have Diabetes, Even a Routine Police Encounter Can Turn Fatal

Diabetics are often denied necessary care in police custody, leading to life-threatening complications and even death.

Aug 3, 2020 / Natalie Shure

The NYPD Took a Step Toward Fascism When It Kidnapped Nikki Stone

The NYPD Took a Step Toward Fascism When It Kidnapped Nikki Stone The NYPD Took a Step Toward Fascism When It Kidnapped Nikki Stone

Then they’ll come for you. 

Jul 31, 2020 / Tiffany Cabán

Playing War While Dressed to Kill in Portland

Playing War While Dressed to Kill in Portland Playing War While Dressed to Kill in Portland

Trump’s agents are outfitted as military special operations, not just soldiers. Their violence is no surprise.

Jul 31, 2020 / Andrew McCormick

Portland gas

How the DHS Can Still Arrest Journalists in Portland How the DHS Can Still Arrest Journalists in Portland

In spite of a federal restraining order, a leaked document describes when DHS agents can still arrest journalists and legal observers.

Jul 30, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein

Selma 1965. Portland 2020.

Selma 1965. Portland 2020. Selma 1965. Portland 2020.

Trump’s authoritarian actions are a repeat of history.

Jul 30, 2020 / OppArt / Jos Sances
